Page 63 of Aidan

“But we can’t.”

She shake her head sadly. “No, we can’t. I just wasn’t prepared for what it meant to be married to you. Not only for me, but for the kids. Will the boys be expected to become a part of your family’s organization? What if they don’t want to? Do they even have a choice?”

“God, no,” I rush to reassure her. “No one would force them to do anything. My grand-da was the ruthless bastard. No one would dare refuse to be initiated into our organization. We were all too afraid of him. But Da isn’t like that. He loves his family and only wants them to be happy wherever their path leads.”

She nods and some more tension leaves her body.

I take a deep breath. “What do you want me to do to make you happy, Sorcha?”

At last, she reaches across and clutches at my hand. “I want you to keep loving me.”

“Always. I’ll never stop.”

“Five years ago you saved me from Duncan. Then you saved me again when my mum died. Then my Da. And yet again when Liam’s men showed up to collect Da’s debt. You saved me by marrying me. Everything you’ve done has been to protect me in some way. From the moment we first met.” She breathes in. “I put you up on this pedestal like you were some sort of god to be worshipped. My fierce protector. You had a high standard to maintain. And, I think, when I was hurt and our children could have been hurt, my unrealistic expectations of you made that god-like image I had shatter.”

I had no idea she’d seen me like that.“I’m sorry I didn’t protect you at our wedding.” I’ll apologize every day for the rest of our lives if that’s what it takes.

“Here’s the thing I’ve thought about over the last two weeks. It’s not up to you to protect me for the rest of my life. And it’s not fair of me to expect it of you. There’s danger everywhere. I could take the kids away from here, back to Burtonport, and we could get into an accident on the way,” she says. “We could go back to the pub and any one of us could tumble down the stairs. Anything could happen at any time.”

“You know that I will always do everything in my power to keep you safe,” I swear to her.

“I know you will. I also know that I can’t live my life in fear thatsomethingcould happen. That’s no way to live.” Sorcha sighs. “And while the thought of being in danger from your enemies is terrifying,I’d rather be happy with you than miserable without you. The children would be miserable without you.”

I come to my feet and pull Sorcha with me, dragging her into my arms to hold her close. I’ve missed the feel of her. The smell of her. “These last two weeks have been killing me. I haven’t wanted to put any type of pressure on you or try to influence you one way or another about staying. But know that if you had left, I would have come with you. I would follow you to the ends of the earth and beyond. That’s how much I love you.”

“I love you, too. I’ve been miserable as well, but Kellen, Carson, and Aisling had to come before any of my selfish needs.” Sorcha lays her head on my chest and squeezes me tightly.

“They’re our kids. Of course they’re going to come first. I wouldn’t expect otherwise.” I stroke her hair back and kiss the top of her head. “You’re an amazing mother.”

She laughs, but there’s a hint of self-deprecation. “I have no idea what I’m doing. It’s harder than anything I’ve ever done before.”

I lean back and cradle her face between my palms. “Does any new mother know what they’re doing? And when it gets hard, you have me. They’re my children now, too. We’re a team, you and me.”

“I love you,” Sorcha whispers.

“I love you more.”

Our lips meet and it’s as though everything has been set right in the world. My wife is here with me and always will be. Our children are safe and I’ll make sure they stay that way. The door opens again and I break the kiss to glance back. Kellen, Carson, and Aisling all spill out, still dressed in their pajamas. I pivot and hold my arm out. The three of them race over and collide with Sorcha and me into a giant group hug.

“Did she tell you we’re staying?” Kellen asks when we finally let go of each other.

“She did.” A wide grin splits my face. “You all made me so happy.”

I drop my smile and crouch down so I’m more level with them. My gaze moves from Kellen to Carson to Aisling. “I’ll do everything I can to protect you. I love the three of you very much.”

“We love you, too,” Carson says.

The three of them step into my open arms. Our life isn’t going to always be easy, but then again, nothing worth having ever is. As long as the five of us are together, then we can get through anything.


Strong arms encircle me,and Aidan presses a soft kiss along the curve of my neck.

“Are you excited for tonight?” he murmurs against my skin that prickles with arousal.

I pivot in his embrace and loop my hands around his neck, threading my fingers together. “I think I’m more nervous than excited. My stomach is in knots.”

“It’s going to be amazing. And perfect. Just like my wife.” Aidan kisses the tip of my nose and then moves to my lips.