I fall into his kisses every time, forgetting everything around me. It’s been like that from the beginning. As much as I want to forget what’s happening in a few short hours, I have too many things to take care of to get ready for our opening night.
“Okay, stop trying to distract me,” I laugh against his mouth and draw away. “I’ve still got things to do.”
“Like what?” He doesn’t let me go. “The exhibit is ready and your selections are impeccable. They’re going to be sold for a lot of fucking money. The caterers are upstairs now preparing all the hors d’oeuvres. The bar’s being set up and stocked and the waitstaff have arrived. Imogen’s made sure that your payment system is functioning and your staff is here ready to take people’s money. There’s nothing else you need to do. You’re ready. This place is ready. It’s going to be absolutely perfect.”
I take in a shuddering breath and sag against him. “I know. You’re right. I just keep thinking something is going to go terribly wrong.”
Aidan’s hands tighten their grip on my hips and he pulls me into the cradle of his thighs. “Nothing will go wrong. And even if it does, nothing so disastrous is going to happen that it’ll turn into an utter failure. I’ll be here to keep an eye on things and to offer any back up. I do have an expert eye for expensive art.”
I snort. “I don’t think those specific skills will need to be put to use tonight.”
He winks. “You never know. One of these pieces on display tonight might turn into the next Mona Lisa or The Kiss. It could be worth a fortune.”
I just shake my head. “I’m not going to encourage your illegal predilections.”
“You love mypredilections,” he draws the word out in a suggestive tone.
Rising up on my toes, I press a kiss to his lips. “I love your erections.”
Aidan groans. “You’re killing me woman. Weren’t you the one who just said no distractions? How am I supposed to make it through the night without thinking about you and my erection and how you can take care of it for me?”
I pat his chest. “Poor thing, I’m sure you’ll think of something. Now, I need to go check on the caterers.”
He lets me go and as I walk past him, I drag my hand across the front of the significant bulge in his pants.
“You’re going to pay for that later, wife,” Aidan warns making me laugh and waggle my fingers at him in farewell.
I stride through the gallery, my gaze pausing on each pillar or section of wall that displays its piece of focus. Soft lighting illuminates each one, showcasing all the lines, colors, and textures that make up the scene. The evocative images are powerful and resonate with emotions locked deep inside me. Pride swells. Aidan has been making every single one of my dreams come true. If not for him buying this building, I might still be trying to decide what I wanted for my future.
It’s only a short climb up the stairs to the second level. We renovated the whole space and had a small kitchen built up here for events like tonight’s. I walk through the swinging doors and glance around. Everything appears to be in order.
The owner of the catering company approaches. “Can I help you, Mrs. Donnelly?”
I wave her off. “No, I just popped in to see if you needed anything.”
“Thank you, but we’ve got everything.”
“All right, then. It all smells delicious.”
She beams. “Thank you.”
Since it’s clear she has things under control and I’m only here to settle my nerves, I move on.
Aidan was right. We’re ready.I’mready.
* * *
“Thankyou so much for coming. We’ll get this boxed up and shipped to you this week.” I shake the hand of one of the last remaining patrons. One who just paid over twenty-eight thousand euros on a piece of artwork. Onmypiece of artwork that I hadn’t put up for display. Aidan had.
I escort them to the door and once they’re gone, I lock it, turn, and collapse against it. My husband comes around the corner and stalks forward with a predatory gleam in his eyes. I rise up and meet him partway. He grips my hips and I lay my palms on his chest.
“You were sneaky adding my piece to the exhibit,” I kiss his chin. “I can’t believe you did that. Most of all, I can’t believe I missed it. I’ve memorized every single painting hanging from these walls. Yet somehow, I missed that one.”
“I knew you’d never add any of your own work, so I did it for you. It deserved to be displayed front and center.”
“Thank you.”
Aidan’s lips slowly curl in that suggestive way of his. “I believe I should get my reward now.”