Page 64 of Lexi Lets Go

"They think she’s going to be ok, but she broke her arm and is banged up pretty bad. I'm fine, I got this," he said pointing to the small gash on his forehead with stitches, "but no concussion.”

“Josh, how could you even for a second doubt I’d be here?”

“I don’t know, things have just been off between us lately. I’m not sure what you’re going through, but I miss you.”

“Oh Josh, I miss you too. I think I was just trying to give you space, but also maybe trying to protect myself and ignore how lonely I felt. But I’m done doing that. We’re good. I promise.”

“That makes me feel better because I have something else to tell you. There is a reason they’re being extra careful with Poppy. This isn't the way we wanted to tell everyone, but she's pregnant."

"Oh my god, Josh! That's amazing! Congratulations!"

"Thanks. We were waiting to tell everyone just a little bit longer, but then this happened. I'm so scared something is wrong, but she keeps trying to reassure me everything is fine. They are running some tests right now to make sure the baby is okay."

"I'm sure the baby is going to be just fine. What happened?"

"We were on the way home from Glendale when the car in front of us slammed on its brakes to avoid hitting a deer and I swerved to avoid them, but then we went in the ditch and the car rolled."

Lexi just hugged him close. They were always quite a pair when they hugged because Josh had a well over a foot on her, but they fit together. They had only each other for so long, they knew how to be there for each other.

The door opened and in walked the whole Smith crew. Gran handed Josh a sandwich and a bottle of water. Jackson sat in the chair next to him.

"So, I snuck a peek at Poppy's chart, and things are looking good. The baby's heartbeat is fine, and Poppy is okay. The worst part of the whole thing is going to be that she can't have the good pain killers for the broken arm. I think they are setting it right now." Josh pulled Jackson into a big hug and Jackson patted him on the back. "It's good to have a man on the inside," Jackson said as he pulled away.

"Thank you. Thank all of you so much for being here, it means a lot," Josh choked out.

"Of course, dear, that’s what family is for," Gran said with a pat to his leg.

"So, you got pulled away from the Liam James concert?" Sam asked Lexi.

"Yeah, but of course I came as soon as I got the message. I'm just glad everyone is okay."

They all visited until Poppy came back. Lexi took a peek at her phone to check the time and see if Liam had texted her. It was after eleven so the concert should be over, but still no word. They decided to keep Poppy overnight for observation. The Smith family left, leaving Poppy and Josh to try and get some sleep.

"Do you want me to go pick up anything for you guys?" Lexi asked Josh.

"Actually, that would be great. Thank you."

"No problem.” It was the least she could do. Josh texted her a list of things and told her where to find them. She set off to Mystic Falls. It would be about an hour round trip. She could handle that.

Once she got in her car, she looked at her phone, still nothing from Liam. She didn't like that, but there were more important things to deal with right now.



Liam had just wrapped up his encore. Throughout the concert he kept looking at the box Lexi was supposed to be in, but he couldn't spot her. Maybe she got sat somewhere else? He wasn't sure but he couldn't wait to see her after the show, hopefully to have a repeat of the last show. He'd had some pretty amazing sexual encounters in his day, but that one had to be the best, and this time the end would be much better with him knowing he was done with the label.

He made his way to the dressing room to wait for Lexi. After he had been there awhile, the door opened he turned and rushed forward, only to be pulled up short when he saw it was Jacinda.

"Hello Jacinda, thanks for all your help tonight. It's been a pleasure working with you," he lied through his teeth. "Can you find Lexi for me? Then if you meet up with Sue, I'm sure you guys can finish up the night."

"I actually wanted to talk to you about Lexi," she walked towards him with a sympathetic look on her face.

"What's going on?" He asked suspiciously, his eyes narrowed on her.

"Lexi left."

"Left? What do you mean she left?"