Page 65 of Lexi Lets Go

"Before you even got on stage. Right after the opening act. I think the whole article was getting to her. People can be so cruel, you know."

"What the fuck happened?"

"I don't know. She just said to tell you sorry."

He collapsed on the couch. His head was spinning. This could not be happening again. His head dropped to his hands and his chest was tight. There had to be more to the story.

"Did she say anything else? She seemed okay last time I talked to her." He was replaying the conversations and all the texts and anything for a hint that something was wrong. He couldn't point to anything. Not a single damn thing. "Fuck!" He got up off the couch in a search for his phone. He needed to call her right now.

"I'm so sorry Liam, but at least we know this now before it went on too long. Better it be now when there weren't feelings involved yet."

He turned on her with an icy glare. "What the fuck, Jacinda? There are fucking feelings involved. I love her!"

Jacinda looked like she had been slapped in the face. "You don't love her; you've only known her for a couple weeks."

"Don't you dare tell me how I fucking feel. I love her and I know she loves me, and if she walked out, it is because something is wrong," he said while he was tearing apart the room. "Fuck! Where the fuck is my phone? I've got to call her now."

"Liam, let's just get you back to the city and we can figure out what is next."

He turned to her, his frantic energy turning to an icy one. "Jacinda, what aren't you telling me?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Where is my phone?"

"Did you check your bag?"

"Yes, I fucking checked my bag." He was no longer panicking or frantic. He didn't know what had happened, but he knew Jacinda was behind it.

"I’ll see what I can do."

"Jacinda, I need my phone and then I need you gone. I will have you escorted off the premises if I must."

"You're serious aren't you. You're going to have me escorted off the premises? After all I've done for you? I fucking saved your career. I made you Liam fucking James!" She was screaming at him. He had never seen her like this. She was coming undone. "I did everything my father said. I protected your image. I worked day and fucking night for you. And now you are going to throw all of it away for her," she spat at him with such disdain.

"What the fuck are you even talking about?"

"My father put me in charge of you after the scandal. I kept you safe."

"You kept me miserable and isolated."

"I kept you scandal free."

"But at what cost, Jacinda? Fuck, I am a person. I’m allowed to make my own decisions. I’m allowed to decide what my career is worth."

"I thought if you saw how easily the media would turn on her, that it would pull your head out of your ass, but apparently not."

"What?" The pieces of the puzzle all began to slot into place. What the fuck had she done?

"You are just so intent on fucking it all up."

"It was you. You leaked the image of me and Lexi."

"Yes! But I did it for your own good. I thought if you saw the way the media treated her you might change your mind. You can't be with someone like her."

While she was talking Liam stood up and walked to the door. He was fuming. He knew she was desperate, but he didn't think she was capable of this. He opened the door and yelled "Security."

"Are you fucking serious right now, Liam?"