She grinned at the phone. "Oh, and you are all set for the meeting room, acoustic, right? I don't want to disturb the other guests too much if we can help it."
"Yes, of course, it will just be a small set list of acoustics. We should be done by eight. Then we are going for dinner, right?"
"Yeah, I mean, that sounds great."
"Good, now, don't feel bad about this for a second. Do you hear me?"
"Okay," she said tentatively.
"Okay!" he said firmly. "I need to make sure we are ready to go for the streaming event tonight, but I am counting on you for dinner."
"Okay, I'll talk to you later."
She wasn't sure what had happened exactly, but it would seem she was getting rid of Jacinda. Yay. And getting to see Liam again. Also, yay. What kind of magic made all this happen? The lost driver, broken down bus, damaged venue, and now this. Magic wasn’t something that Lexi believed in, but she wasn't sure how else all of this lined up to make any of this possible.
After the meeting room had been set up, Lexi stayed in her office, waiting for Jacinda to leave. They hadn't liked each other before, and they sure as hell weren't going to like each other much now. No skin off Lexi's back. She had never been one to care about what other people thought. Having a thick skin came with the territory.
But then she saw three black cars pull up from the window in her office. The group quickly loaded their suitcases and left.
After the cars pulled out of the drive, she turned to see Liam leaning against the front desk turning in all the room keys. He winked at her and gave her a smoldering smile. She was going to melt right there on the spot.
"Hey," he glanced down at Nancy's name tag, "Nancy, do you think I might be able to have that same sandwich and salad from the place we had yesterday?"
"I think that can be arranged," she said breathlessly as her cheeks turned a dark shade of pink. Being a natural redhead, she was prone to blushing anyway, but Lexi didn't recall ever seeing her quite that shade of red. He did seem to have that effect on everyone. As he turned and left, Lexi couldn't help but chuckle as Nancy gasped and put her hand on her chest. "That man, he can make you weak in the knees just by looking at you.”
"I can text Poppy the order. Do you know what he had yesterday?"
"Oh goodness me, I maybe should’ve asked him. I was just so flustered. I'm sorry. Should I call him?"
"No, I’ll look at the menu from yesterday. We should be able to figure it out."
Lexi: Hey, what gluten-free sandwich did you make yesterday? I'm just trying to figure out what Liam ordered. He wants it again.
Poppy- Shut up, he does not!
Lexi- Yes, he does. I need to get out of here, so I will come over and get it and get myself something.
Poppy- Okay, see you in a bit. There was only one gluten-free wrap yesterday, I will make that. What do you want?
Lexi- I want a turkey pesto panini. I miss those so much after Josh left.
Poppy- We'll get those ready for you.
Lexi got her purse out from under her desk and started to dig through it to unearth her keys. "Nancy, I'm going to lunch. I'm going to go pick up Liam's lunch and grab myself a sandwich. Do you want anything?" She asked, still digging.
"Nope, I'm good," she called from the other room.
Her fingers finally made contact with the keys at the bottom of her purse. She pulled them out and tossed her phone in her bag. "Okay, Nancy, I'll be back soon."
"Take your time," she said with a smile.
As she walked out the front door, she saw Liam sitting on the porch swing. No guitar this time, just swinging and enjoying the weather. He had on his ripped jeans and chucks like he had yesterday, but now he wore a lime green shirt with a smiley face that looked a bit small. His biceps strained against it and his tattoos peaked out, and his hair was flawlessly toussled. He almost took her breath away. But when he smiled right at her, it did take her breath away.
"Where are you sneaking off to?" he asked.
"No sneaking. I am just headed out to pick up lunch," she said.
"No delivery? I didn't want you to have to go to any trouble," he said.