Page 49 of Lexi Lets Go

“I don’t know. Being here and eating sushi after seeing that board just reminds me of all the things, I never got a chance to do. Things like college and being young and irresponsible were things I never got to experience. I can at least check sushi off that list now. It really does mean a lot to me. No one has ever done anything like this for me. I'm still fairly convinced I’m going to wake up and this will all have been a dream, but I’ll have a newfound love for the pop sensation Liam James.”

"Well, I can definitely say you’re not dreaming, but I do hope you wake up with a newfound love for Liam James."

"Oh, trust me, I have a love for Liam James, and a growing fondness for Liam Sheffield.”

An expression clouded his face, one she hadn't quite yet figured out. She wanted to know what that meant. She wanted to know what all of his expressions meant. But he had made it clear, this was for the weekend. That was it. So, she would cherish every single moment she could with him. Every. Single. Moment.

"Come with me, I want to show you something. It is part of the reason I bought this place."

Taking her hand, he shut off the lights and led her to the windows. The view of the city at night was breathtaking. All the buildings were tall and lit up with little squares. She had seen pictures like this in the past, but here in person, it was even better than she thought it would have been.

Looking at the millions of little squares of light that lit up the buildings, she thought about the people in them. What were they doing? What kind of lives did they lead? Whatever they were doing, she knew there was no way they were as happy as she was right now. He slid behind her and his arms wrapped around her waist. Resting her hands on his, she leaned back into him.

"This view is amazing," Lexi sighed contentedly.

"It is. I love the city lit up at night. Looking at all those little squares of light, imagining the people there and what their lives must be like."

She turned in his arms and looked at him.

"What?" he asked.

"I was just thinking that. About the people and the squares of light. Like literally just thinking about it. Are you psychic? Do you have mind reading capabilities you haven’t let me know about, because I think this is unfair if that's the case. I guess it would also explain this whole thing.”

"Not a mind reader, but great minds do think alike."

"You can say that again." She turned in his arms back to look at the skyline again.

"This whole conversation reminded me. Poppy asked me to ask you the most ridiculous question but knowing Poppy she will expect an answer."


"Ok, so this is random, but just go with it."

"Now I'm intrigued. Proceed," he said nuzzling into her ear.

"So, there's this little old woman in Mystic Falls. She runs a magic store. Tarot readings, crystals, the whole bit. Anyway, Poppy is convinced the witch works love spells and told me to ask you if you knew Bridget."

"Bridget who?" He had gone very still, but his arms were still around her.

"I don't know her last name, but she is Scottish and short and has this wild red hair with a gray streak."

"I think I do know who you’re talking about. At least I ran into a woman who fits that description named Bridget at a music festival a few months ago. She was there reading tarot and selling stuff, people there loved it. I paid her to come back to my trailer and read my cards. And I actually ran into her the morning my bus broke down in Mystic Falls."

Lexi stepped fully out of his hold and turned to look at him. “You’re serious?"

He just nodded and looked at her perplexed.

"Do you really believe in that stuff?" Lexi, trying not to show her own skepticism.

"Yeah. I've seen so much weird stuff over the years. Stuff I can't explain, so I just stopped trying to explain it. I think there are some mysteries that we will never have answers to. Women like Bridget are one of those things I learned to trust a long time ago."

She just looked at him. Although being here in his space did make him real to her, there still was something completely unreal about their situation. Magic would be an easy answer, but she didn’t know if she actually believed it.

"I'm just saying our bus broke down over a hundred miles off course. That storm that we watched on the porch when I first wanted to kiss you was the same storm that flooded the venue, giving me these couple days to spend with you. I mean, it seems like there are definitely some unexplained forces at work here."

"You might be right," she said. While that wasn’t something she was willing to believe, at least not fully.

Before she knew what had happened, his mouth crashed into hers in a deep kiss. She lost herself in lust. Following him to his bedroom he made quick work of their clothes, and they were once again naked in his bed. Maybe there was some magic at work because he was right, nothing else made sense.