Page 50 of Lexi Lets Go

Back in his room, they made love again and again. She didn’t know it could feel this way. Nothing compared to Liam, his mouth, his hands, his body, anyway he wanted her. He was taking care of her. That wasn’t something she was used to, but she liked it. She drifted off to sleep in his arms, still half afraid she would wake to find this was all a dream.

She woke up in the middle of the night and rolled over to snuggle into Liam only to find a cold, empty space where she thought he would be. Checking her phone, it was three-thirty. What on earth was he doing? Then she heard the piano music drifting through the wall behind her. He was in his music room. She hadn't really watched him play except for those few moments in the hotel room when he absent-mindedly strummed the guitar. She got out of bed, pulled her pajamas on, and went to find him.

Her bare feet padded down the hallway to his music room. It was cracked and she just stood there listening to him play. She was transfixed. He was so talented. Hoping she wasn't intruding on a private creative process, she slowly pushed the door open, half expecting him to tell her to leave. But instead, he looked up at her, his eyes connecting with her pinning her in place.

He patted the piano bench next to him and scooted down a bit. Walking into his space she couldn't help but feel like she was entering somewhere holy. Where he took all the world and all the pressure and turned it into music that meant so much to so many people. She sat next to him as his fingers played the keys as if they moved on their own. But she knew this music came from a place deep inside of him that he selflessly shared with the world, and he was now sharing with her.

"So, I’ve been thinking..." he said. His voice sounded small, nervous, not like his normal confidence. She waited patiently for him to continue. "I know I said I could only give you one weekend, but I don't think I can leave it there."

Taking his hands off the keys, he turned to fully look at her. "I’ve never felt like this about anyone, and I’ve only known you for a few days. I promised myself I wouldn’t get into a serious relationship until I was ready to be done, and I'm not ready to be done yet, but I don't think I can walk away from you. It would take more strength than I have to give this up, as selfish as it might be. We should have a serious discussion. Life can get really complicated under public scrutiny. You don't have to say anything right--"

"Yes!" she said quickly, only slightly embarrassed she had just proclaimed that so loudly. But she had wanted this since their first date.

"Are you serious?" he asked.

She nodded and tried to will away the tears that she felt burning in her sinuses. He grabbed her face and kissed her. The pull that had existed between them from the very beginning was so strong now it was palpable, like a physical force pulling them together. When they touched, the energy that rushed through her lit up every nerve in her body. She couldn't explain what was happening with Liam or why, but it was there all the same. Knowing it wasn't ending was all that mattered right now.

"We really do need to have a talk about what that means. I need to share with you the truth of what being with me would be like. Then, if you’re still willing to try, we’ll figure out something that works for both of us. My traveling and your job, it is a lot to put on a new relationship, but I think it is worth it.”

"I do too. Can you play me a song?"

He looked at her and winked. "That's what I do."

He began to play and softly sing, and she turned into a puddle right there on the bench beside him. She was gone. Hopelessly in love with a man she had known a handful of days.

While she sat there on the bench with him a big yawn escaped her mouth.

"You should go back to bed. Tomorrow is going to be a big day," he said as he lightly traced her jaw.

"It's a big day for you too. I just have to watch you perform, you're the one that’ll be doing all the work."

"I know. You'll find I don’t sleep much."

"What do you mean? We all need sleep, and I’d think you do especially."

"I'm not disagreeing with you; I'm just saying I have a terrible time sleeping. I do my best work at night. My most creative juices flow at night. Plus, the day keeps me busy with all the other stuff."

"Okay, well why don't you come and lay in bed with me. Maybe I can help you fall asleep."

"Let's go, but before we do, I wanted to talk about something. We’re going to see where this goes, right?"

Just hearing those words again made her light up deep inside. "Yeah, we are.”

"So, tomorrow I think you should come to the sound check, and the radio interviews I have before the concert. Get a chance to see what all this is really like. To see if you even think I'm worth all the trouble."

He said that without a hint of joking in his voice. Did he seriously think his job would make her change her mind? If so, he had no idea how far gone she already was.

She turned her body more to his on the bench and cupped his face in her hands. The smile on his face was enough to melt her heart. She wanted to scream from the rooftops how much she loved this man. While they weren’t there yet, she wanted him to understand how much he meant to her.

"I would love to go with you tomorrow. I look forward to seeing you perform and everything else you do, but I can guarantee you that I’m ready for whatever comes my way, if I get a shot to be with you."

"You can't say that yet... You don't know what it's like.”

"That's true, I don't. But I still know that beyond a shadow of a doubt, you are worth it." And after sharing that undeniable truth with him, there was nothing left to do but make him believe it. She kissed him and tried to pour herself into the kiss and let him know how much he was worth. Because even if it was a giant pain in the ass, he was worth all of it.

