Page 26 of Spotlight on Poppy

Poppy finished helping all the kids get their cider and donuts and was wiping down the counter as the teacher came back in.

“I set you back a donut and some cider,” Poppy said to the teacher, turning her back to get them.

“Thank you, I appreciate that.”

Poppy handed the teacher the donuts and set the cups down.

“You all have really made some changes in the past couple years, huh?” asked the woman.

“We have, my brother has been working hard to try and attract some tourist attention.”

“Well, I say keep it up, these kids loved it this year.”

Poppy smiled nicely at her, “Well thank you, I will let him know.”

The kids finished their snacks and Poppy let out a slow sigh of relief as the last teacher stepped onto the big yellow bus. She smiled as it pulled away. If she went back to the kitchen now she would have just enough time to get in some pumpkin squares to take to the show tonight.

The past week had been the run of the show. It had been going really well. Performing with Josh was like a dream. He was talented and she loved to listen to him sing every night. They had really gotten close during this show, and it made her happy. There were some feelings for him blossoming, but she was trying to ignore them. ‘Follow your heart’ was what she was told to do, she was still trying to figure out what it was that her heart wanted. She had been looking online for jobs and apartments in the city, but she couldn't find anything she liked. Nothing felt right.

Rummaging under the counter she pulled out the big sheet pan and poured the batter in and put the bars in the oven. Baking was something that she had been doing a lot lately. It gave her time to clear her head and kept her in one place long enough to think about it. She didn’t feel any closer to knowing what it was that she actually wanted, but the more she baked and focused on listening to herself, the less that antsy feeling of being ready to run took over. So that was a start, right?

After getting the bars into the oven, she set a time and then walked back out to the front. The store needed to be tidied up a bit. Field trip days were hard on the store, so she went about straightening the gourds and pumpkins. It would have been close to closing time a few years ago, but Sam kept things open longer so people could stop by on their way home from work. Luckily during the run of the show someone always came about this time so she could go get ready. She was going to talk to Sam about getting full time help up here soon with the way their little orchard was growing.

Poppy tried to picture herself here, working here. She tried to picture herself moving away. Nothing felt right. The timer dinging and she went to get the bars out of the oven. They smelled delicious. She set them out to cool so she could frost them before she left tonight.I wonder if Josh will like the pumpkin bars.She found herself wondering. He crossed her mind a lot since the run of the show.

Something else that crossed her mind a lot was that duet they sang at the opening night cast party. She kept replaying that in her head. There was a moment between them, and a look in his eye, she thought he was going to kiss her. And if she was being honest, she was disappointed that he hadn’t. She was trying not to focus on that right now. She needed to figure out what she wanted before she would let herself be swayed by someone else again. But something about the thought of him slipping his jacket over her shoulders made her smile.

“What are you smiling about?” she heard a familiar voice ask.

Turning she saw Jackson coming in.

“Hey! Long time no see stranger!” Poppy gave him a hug.

“Poppy, I saw you last week.”

She pouted. “I know, but it feels like forever. I have been so busy with the play and with you and Sam staying over at the Glenn’s farm, I haven’t seen you.”

“I know, but it was nice to pretend to be bougie for a couple weeks over there. Their place is nice, like NICE nice.”

“I know, I think that is what happens when your family is so wealthy, they pass down country estates like they’re beat up Chevy’s,” Poppy joked.

“Sadly, we’re back in our house. Hannah and Graham got back a couple hours ago, so Sam and I are back at home.”

“Well, I am glad to have you guys back, even if it’s just a little closer.”

Jackson’s eyebrows drew together, and he tilted his head and looked at her. “What’s going on with you? Something’s up?”

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t know, you were all smiles when I came in with this million miles away look, and now you seem off.”

Of course, Jackson could tell, he could always tell. It was a sixth sense that both she and Jackson had, the ability to sense when someone was holding out on the good gossip. Poppy looked away because she didn’t know what to say.


That was really all the encouragement she needed. “Okay, so did you hear about the guy from Broadway who came for a couple weeks to help with the show?”

He nodded and gestured for her to go on.