Page 27 of Spotlight on Poppy

“Okay, well. We kind of hooked up.”

“What? I heard he was hot,” he gave her an approving nod.

“Oh yeah, he was. Sadly, he was also lousy in bed.”

“Ain’t that how it goes…” he said with a slow shake of his head.

“Anyway, it’s a whole thing, but I kinda had it in my head that we were meant to be, and he was my ticket out of here.”

He made a knowing face and nodded.

“Anyway, he’s gone.” she continued. “He just left before opening night without even a goodbye, and I’m not even that upset about it. I’m just trying to figure out what it is that I truly want, ya know.”

“Oh, I know, the age old Poppy dilemma.”

“I think it is just time for me to make up my mind and choose once and for all. And in a crazy turn of events, I’m starting to think maybe I should just let the universe win on this one and find a way to be happy here.” Jackson’s eyes got big. “Don’t you dare tell my brother! I’m still figuring it all out. I just need to decide once and for all.”

“I won’t, but for what it’s worth, I hope you stay. I love your brother, but you make life interesting around here.”

“Right back atcha!”

“Anyway, I’m here to tell you to go get ready. Apparently, Nicole couldn’t make it tonight, so I’m covering until Sam finishes up for the day.”

“Thanks, I’m gonna go hop in the shower. Two more shows and then we are done. I’m gonna miss this one. Performing with Josh has been really fun.” She could feel the dopey grin that crept across her face when she talked about him. She tried to push it away, but it looked like Jackson already saw it.

“Mmm-Hmmm, you two look like you're having a little more than fun on stage.”

“We are just good actors.”

“I’ve seen your acting, Poppy,” he said with a straight face.

She fake gasped. “Rude! Anyway, I gotta go get ready. Byeee!”

“Bye Poppy,” he said with a smile.

She headed off to the house. She should have known she couldn’t fool Jackson. Whatever these feelings were with Josh, she needed to put them the back burner. It was probably just from being in the show together. At least that’s what she was trying to convince herself.



It was closing night, and Poppy had mixed feelings about it. Those feelings came at the close of most shows. There is something special about cast bonding and the magic of theater that always came with the disappointment of the close of a show. She didn’t know if it was saying goodbye to Audrey or not getting to see Josh as much as she had grown accustomed to, but she was really sad to see this show end. She knew what the answer was, but she just wasn’t quite ready to admit it to herself yet.

The show went off without a hitch and after curtain call she felt that same hand on her back she felt after opening night. She knew the feel of that hand well by now and she turned blindly into his arms and buried her face in his shoulder. He held her and gently rubbed her back.

“It has been one of my biggest pleasures playing opposite you, Poppy Smith. This show will always have a special place in my heart.”

Poppy pulled away from him and quickly wiped a tear from her eye. If she were to cry right now the mascara would become a problem of epic proportions and those fake lashes would look a hot mess, so she needed to pull herself together.

Looking up into Josh’s eyes she thought she saw the same emotion, but it was dark backstage.

“Let’s go see who’s out there tonight.”

“After you,” he said, placing his hard on the small of her back guiding her through the darkened stage. She loved that he did that. There was something so centering in that kind of a touch, she would miss that.

As they walked out to greet the audience, Josh was of course stopped and talked to almost immediately. It looked like Aggie who had worked at the inn almost all of Poppy’s life was here with her grandson and stopped him to talk.

Poppy was wistfully taking it all in when she felt a hand on her shoulder, she turned to find Hannah smiling at her.