She opened the door and poked her head in. "I have to get to work." She wanted to ask him for a ride back to her car, but she didn't want to impose.
"Ok, see ya later."
That was it. Poppy waited for more, but that was it.
"Ok... I guess I’ll see you tonight."
"Yeah, I’ll see you then."
Poppy closed the door and took a breath. That isn't exactly soulmate behavior, but they would get there. She left her room and started down the hallway. If she could find a way to her car, she might be able to get to work on time.
As she pulled the front door of the inn open, she walked right into a big solid chest. She looked up. Josh. Perfect. He was always right where she needed him.
"Poppy, what are you doing here?" he asked in surprise.
She did not want to answer that question. She was feeling a little confused and unsure and those are not emotions that sat well with Poppy.
"Hey, can you do me a favor? I need to get to my car so I can get to work. Can you drive me?"
"Sure," he said flatly.
"Thank you so much, you are a lifesaver."
"Don't mention it," he said. Poppy looked up at him. His normal Joshness was gone. He looked distant and upset. That is no way for Josh Turner to look. Josh Turner was a golden retriever personified. Looking at him like this felt like watching those videos online where the dogs look sad or are waiting for their owners and you just feel a visceral need to make things right.
"What's up? Are you okay?"
He shook his head like he was shaking something off. "Yeah, I'm fine. You just surprised me. Let's get you to your car."
They walked to the lot and Josh beeped his SUV and opened the door for Poppy. She climbed in and he shut the door behind her.
As he opened the door and sat down in the driver's seat she asked, "What are you doing at the inn this morning?" She immediately regretted the question because it was one she did not want to answer herself.
“I’m doing some work around the inn for my sister. I sanded the gazebo yesterday. I was coming back today to stain it."
He didn't ask why she was there again, and she gave a sigh of relief.
"I didn't know you did that kind of work. Don't let Sam know, he will rope you into working his grand ideas for the orchard update. He roped Graham in weeks after he arrived."
She waited for the easy banter that usually happened between them, but he sat there silently driving them back. So, she filled the silence, as she often did when there was any. "I knew you were a bartender. You bartend over in Glendale, right?"
He just nodded. Poppy would not be dissuaded though.
"I can't believe we open next Friday. Do you think we’ll be ready? It always seems like it's never going to come together, but then it always does. At least this time we have Damien's expertise. How lucky are we?"
Josh's knuckles turned white as he gripped the steering wheel. "Pretty lucky, I guess," he muttered.
They pulled up to the theater's parking lot and Poppy hopped out. "Thank you so much, I might make it back in time. Here's hoping my gran doesn't notice I'm in the same clothes as I was last night. I mean I am a grown woman, but she still treats me like I'm a teenager."
Crap. Poppy did not want him to ask about why she was there, but she pretty much said it herself right there didn't she.
Josh didn’t respond to that. "Have a good day, Poppy."
And that was it. She closed his door, and he pulled off.That was weird, she thought. She had grown so used to Josh Turner's smile and charming warmth being a constant in her life. When it was gone, she didn't like it.
Not one bit.