"This! This bar is like a time capsule. This town is like a step back in time. It's great. I can do so much character research here --" Damien continued talking, but Josh was done listening. Damien had everyone hanging on his words. Josh took that moment to check his phone because he could not listen to him drone on about how backwards this town was. This town that basically raised Josh. They were not some zoo exhibit for people like Damien St. fucking Cloud.
He noticed a couple texts and missed calls from his sister.
"Excuse me, I am just going to step outside really quick," he said to Poppy. Poppy turned and nodded, and then quickly turned her gaze back to Damien.
Josh walked outside. It was getting late, and the autumn air was getting colder. Main street was quiet. The only things open now was this bar and the bistro a few blocks down. He pulled up his sister's number and called her.
"Josh," she answered the phone.
"Yeah, what's up Lex, I just saw that you called."
"Yeah, my car won't start...piece of shit," she grumbled. Josh could hear her slam the hood.
"Do you need a jump?"
"I think so. Do you mind?"
"I'll be right there." He hung up and took a deep breath. He looked in the window, but he didn't see Poppy. He wanted to go tell her he was leaving and see if she wanted him to come back to give her a lift to her car. Walking back in he scanned the room. Poppy and Damien were both gone, and a pit formed in his stomach.
"Hey guys, I need to head out for a minute. Have you seen Poppy? Since we came together, I just want to let her know I’ll be right back."
"I think they went out on the back patio," answered one of his cast mates.
That didn't make sense. It was getting cold tonight and neither of them smoked, so why were they on the back patio? Josh made his way through the bar to the back door that let out onto the patio. He pushed open the door and stepped outside. It was a simple wooden deck he had built last summer with lights strung up and a couple of tables.
He didn't see them initially, but then he did. They were in the corner Poppy's back was against the wall and Damien St. Cloud was kissing her. Not just a kiss, no, this was full blown making out. Poppy's hands on his back and fisting his hair. His hand holding Poppy's hip and the other one looked to be feeling something a little higher.
Bile rose in his stomach. He had no claim to Poppy. One moment that had felt monumental to him clearly did not feel the same to her. He may think Damien St. Cloud is a pompous ass, but it would appear Poppy didn't share the sentiment. His heart pounded in his chest. His cell phone slipped from his hand and landed with a loud thud on the wooden floor of the patio.
Poppy and Damien stopped and looked over to see Josh. Poppy's lipstick was smeared around her mouth. The flush in her cheeks and the flush on her chest was evident. She looked well kissed. A wave of overwhelming desire to march over there and punch Damien St. fucking Cloud in the face overtook him, and he wanted to kiss Poppy in a way that she would never even think about kissing anyone else. Ever. But Josh had honed his skills in stuffing his emotions and putting a smile on his face for years, so he would not do that.
"Can I help you with something?" asked Damien.
Yeah, you can take your hands off my girl, douchebag.That is what Josh wanted to say. Instead, he said. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but I have to take off. I just wanted to make sure Poppy had a way safely back to her car."
“I got her, my man," he said with an entitled smirk on his face.
"You sure?" Josh looked at Poppy.Say no, say you will come with me, say this is nothing and not what I think it is.
"Yeah, I'm good." That was all she said, still looking aroused and so kissable.
Josh nodded and turned and left. He booked it out of the bar and briskly made his way to his car cursing the day that douchebag came to town.
Poppy woke up the next morning grinning from ear to ear. Last night had been one of the best nights of her life. She had asked for a love spell and that love spell did not disappoint. Two days after performing the spell Damien St. Cloud came to town. He was meant for her, and after last night there was no doubt in her mind.
She had felt the chemistry between them since that first rehearsal, but last night after he took her out onto the patio and kissed her stupid there was no doubt in her mind where she belonged. She belonged right here in Damien St. Cloud's bed. He was staying at the inn on the edge of town and last night he took Poppy back to his room. Last night she made love to her soulmate for the first time.
The sounds of the water let Poppy know he was in the shower. She stretched and remembered the night. While the sex had not been as earth shattering as the kiss, it's okay. Lots of women don't climax with new lovers, right? It wasn’t the first time she didn’t quite get there with someone new. So, they had a few kinks to work out. Hannah and Graham definitely had some kinks when Graham first arrived, so it's totally normal. Last night they had come back after a few drinks at the bar and Damien was just a little drunk, that is why he finished and rolled off her and fell asleep. It happens. They would figure it out.
Poppy's alarm on her phone went off. She looked for it in a panic. Her alarm was set for her to give her enough time to get to the register when she was home and not when she was in an inn clear across town from her car, which she needed to drive home. She shot up and started pulling her clothes on. She gathered her things and looked around the room to see if there was anything else.
Slipping her shoes on she knocked on the bathroom door. "Hey, sorry to run, but I have to be at work in thirty minutes."
"What?" he yelled back over the water.