I can feel their panic so they’ll be here soon.
I break away from his wrist. I spit the remaining blood out, feeling tainted.
Does it smell like burning?
“Yes. It’s so good my love. We don’t need to be apart any longer. We are together now and I’ll keep feeding you forever.”
He sounds insane. Clearly, he is.
I blame the drugs that it takes me this long to realize who he is.
“You’re my stalker?” I ask.
He looks down at me with sad eyes. “Stalker is such a dirty word. I’m sure those filthy boys planted that idea in your head. I love you, Anna, I just wanted to make sure you knew I was there watching.”
“If you love me, why did you shoot me?” I ask.
The blood burns away the last of the drug. I can attack him and escape any second but I want information first.
“They weren’t meant for you! I’m so sorry. How could those idiots have let you get hurt?”
I’m saved from answering him when the back door to the bar crashes open, my men coming out.
I can see flames licking up behind them
Before they can freak out too much, I shoot to my feet and restrain the stalker and toss the gun from his waistband on the ground.
“What the fuck is going on?” Aksel shouts.
“We need to move somewhere more private to question him further. We don’t want to deal with random humans finding us,” I say.
“They’re all distracted with the kitchen fire that erupted inside. That’s what distracted us,” Griffyn says.
I take a step forward but none of them move an inch.
“Tell us who this is then we will go,” Felix says.
They all look seconds away from murdering him. I don’t think my next words will help.
“He’s my stalker. He attacked me and now we need to question him so let’s get him back,” I say quickly, trying to move again.
Rion growls before snatching him from my grip and restraining him, himself. “Let’s go then.”
Thirty Five
Aksel sends his darkness into the night around us without explanation.
“There’s an empty building two doors down that we can use,” Aksel says.
Griffyn pulls his phone out. “I’ll let Blaze know where we are and that we have him. I’m certain he’ll want to be here.”
Aksel leads the way and it’s a quick trip to that building where Felix easily breaks the handle to get inside.
All of them have only grown more agitated with each step. They are boiling with anger at this point.
I feel the same but that’s somewhat offset by the fact that we have him here in our grip.