“Leave her alone.”
She scurries away while I handle him. That allows me to take care of him out back.
“Meet me behind the bar, by the dumpster. Go now.”
He follows my words immediately.
I can feel the guy’s annoyance through our bond.
I don’t rush making drinks for anyone, letting him stew out there.
“Let me handle this. I can manage a human,” I say under my breath so only the guys can hear me.
When I get outside and none of them follow me, I’m grateful they trust me.
He’s standing there waiting for me.
For a second, it feels like nothing has changed. That I never met the guys and I’m just working at the bar and taking care of the trash.
“You will not force yourself on a woman who doesn’t want your attention. You will listen to her wants and needs, including body language. A woman must make her interest in you clear before you act and you will remember that no means no. Now leave and forget I exist.”
The guy leaves, his footsteps echoing as he goes.
“Well hello there Anna,” a voice says from behind me seconds before something pricks my neck.
My vision gets fuzzy and fades until I lose consciousness.
* * *
I wake up behind the bar, by the dumpster, and slumped against the brick wall. The ground is littered with trash and wet from the rain sprinkling down on us.
It’s disgusting to be down here.
“Wha-” My voice comes out slurred and slow.
“I’m sorry my love. I didn’t want it to be like this but I’m dying for a hit. Bite me.”
I try to place his face. It’s familiar but not someone I know personally.
His arms are too long for his body and his blond hair looks greasy.
“I don’t-” I try again.
“You’re waking up from some drugs. You need blood, take some.”
Why is he offering me blood?
I don’t want to drink from anyone else but my mates now that I know how intimate it is. But, I need to get my strength back quick. The best way to do that and get away from whoever this is, is to drink his blood.
Before I can open my mouth he pulls out a knife and cuts open his wrist. The scent of blood fills my nose making me starving.
I latch onto his wrist, drinking the stale, human blood. I keep going until I finally feel like the drug is being burned out of my system.
It takes me way too long to realize he’s moaning. Loudly.
He’s excited and rubbing at his crotch. Luckily, he’s kept himself contained in his pants but I no longer want anything to do with this.
Where are the guys? They have to be wondering where I am. I have no idea how long I was out for.