For a split second, Holly thought he might be about to try to kiss her again, or that she might kiss him. Then she realised what a sweaty mess she was and hastily tried to straighten herself.

‘I didn’t get it as quick as the waterskiing.’

‘You were brilliant, trust me.’

She beamed at the compliment, regardless of whether it was true.

‘Do you think you can grab a photo of me on it?’ She took her phone out of her pocket. ‘So I don’t forget.’

‘Sure thing.’ He took her phone before stepping back and taking a couple of shots, then handed it back to her.

‘I think we should have a selfie together, too.’

His smile slanted as he crouched down by her side, while Holly stretched her arm out as far as it would go. She had never been one for selfies before Hope, but now Holly was determined not to forget any moments and had finally learned how to hold the phone and click the button at the same time. As Evan’s and her face came onto the screen together, it was hard to deny how happy and perfect it all looked. And not nearly as sweaty or hot as she’d expected, considering the helmet and ride up. Thankfully, her bruise seemed to have gone down slightly too.

‘A lasting memory of your first ride,’ Evan said when she was done.

‘And hopefully not my last.’

‘Why should it be? You could get one.’

‘Unfortunately, there’s no way a baby seat can go on this thing.’

‘Well, maybe you can save it for yourself. You get time on your own, don’t you? When Hope is with Ben, right? Trips around the Cotswolds on a little thing like this, with the wind if your hair… sounds perfect to me.’

Holly imagined the thought. There were so many country lanes in her area, she’d have no problem travelling from one little village to another without needing to go near a dual carriageway. It would be tempting. That was when reality hit.

‘What is it?’ Evan’s brow furrowed as he noted the sudden change. ‘Did I say something wrong?’

Holly shook her head, though it took her a moment longer to find the words she needed.

‘My life isn’t like yours, Evan. I don’t have a spare couple of grand to buy a Vespa. And I don’t think I even have the money to put fuel in one. And it’s lovely to think my life would be like this – road trips and adventures and amazing villas with beautiful swimming pools – but in two days, I’m going to go back to my real life, so I think maybe I should try to limit my daydreaming.’

She hoped the words hadn’t come across as rude, as she certainly hadn’t meant them that way, but as a silence spread between them, she feared she may have pushed Evan away, just as she’d started to want him closer. Yet, as she went to apologise, he placed his hand on her cheek.

‘That may be the case back in the UK. But like you said, we’ve got two and a half days to go and I plan on making as many of your daydreams come true as I can in that time. Now, budge up; I need to drive or we’re going to be late.’

‘Late? I thought we were going back to the villa.’

‘Not yet. I thought I might cash that date in a bit early. Now, put your helmet on.’


Back on the road, they continued onwards and upwards until eventually, Evan took a turning by a wooden sign with faded, white lettering.

Once again, the tarmac of the road quickly changed to gravel, although this time Evan didn’t stop to ask Holly if she wanted to drive. She was fine with that, given how busy she was staring at the thousands of grapevines that stretched out around them. Finally, a large house came into view, nestled right in the middle of it all. No, not a house, she realised. A château. A genuine French château.

‘This is a vineyard?’ She finally put two and two together. ‘You’ve brought me to a vineyard?’

‘That’s okay, isn’t it? You were drinking wine last night, so I thought you’d like it.’

It took her a second to realise what this meant. ‘Does this mean we’re tasting wine? Because in that case, I like it. I definitely like wine, and I like some wines more than others, but really, I just drink whatever is on offer.’

Evan put his hand on hers, cutting the babble short.

‘You don’t need to know anything about it. That’s the whole point of coming here. They teach you.’

‘So we’re doing a tasting?’