‘Just give me two minutes. I want to make a phone call first.’

Evan headed towards the staircase, leaving Holly to wonder what on earth she had agreed to. Heading out of the house seemed like a good idea, but when Evan came back into the living room, the way he was grinning made her think this was going to be something different from your average drive.

‘Well, that’s all sorted. Now I just need to make sure I’ve got a helmet for you.’


‘Of course. Safety first.’

Five minutes later, Holly was standing outside the house next to a baby-blue moped, which Evan wheeled out from his garage. A moped which he expected her to climb on the back of.

‘Is it wrong that I’m scared?’ she said as she pulled the helmet over her head, grateful for the snug fit. ‘I’m not really into the whole motorbike thing.’

‘It’s a Vespa. Far, far less powerful than a motorbike,’ Evan said. ‘So I guess you’ve never been on one before?’

‘You’d be guessing right.’

Other than a standard push bike, Holly had never been on anything that didn’t have four wheels – not a motorbike, nor a scooter – and before now, she had no desire to. But as Evan slipped onto the front of the seat and patted the space behind him, the first tingles of excitement formed. It seemed like the bucket list was back on.

‘Just hold on to me,’ Evan said as the engine growled into life. ‘I promise I won’t go that fast.’

They drove higher and higher, weaving around the twists and turns of the road. At first, each bend in the road had Holly gripping Evan tighter and tighter, but gradually the fear began to recede and she even closed her eyes once or twice, enjoying the feel of the wind against her face. Not to mention the aroma emanating from Evan. It was probably the scenery adding to the mood but she couldn’t remember a man smelling quite as good as he did. Hurriedly, Holly realised that the fact she could smell Evan was probably an indication that her head was far too close to his back, and as subtly as she could, she moved a fraction further away.

They were partway up the mountain road when Evan took a turn up a narrow track. The surrounding fields were blanketed with rows and rows of perfectly parallel vines which stretched out as far as they could see.

So many times, Holly wanted to ask him to stop so she could stare out at the view. Or perhaps take a photo to remind her that this place was real. During one of the times she was having that exact thought, Evan slowed to a stop and cut the engine.

‘You doing okay?’ he said through his helmet.

‘This is amazing. I love it!’

‘So, do you want to have a go?’

Holly frowned, wondering if perhaps her helmet was making it difficult for her to hear.

‘Sorry, what did you say?’

‘I said, did you want to have a go?’

‘On the Vespa?’

She looked down at the vehicle beneath her. A Vespa had to be the most impractical vehicle for a single mother because she wouldn’t be able to take her child on it. But Hope wasn’t with her right now, she reminded herself. This trip away was about her, which was why her cheeks were once again aching as she looked at Evan.

* * *

Unfortunately, the confidence that Holly had developed waterskiing didn’t transfer automatically to the Vespa, and she had a few false starts.

‘I don’t think I’m insured to do this,’ Holly said after one particular wobble, but Evan was there behind her, holding on to the handles and steadying the vehicle.

‘Don’t worry, I won’t let anything happen to you. And I have brilliant insurance.’

The knowledge that he was there to guide her and keep her on track helped, and soon she was turning in circles up and down the track.

When she finally stopped and pulled off her helmet, her hair was stuck to her head with sweat.

‘A natural!’ he exclaimed, his grin almost as big as hers.