It was a sign, she thought as she cradled her head in her hands. A sign she should have stayed at home.

‘Surely this isn’t normal?’ she said as turbulence knocked her forwards, then back in the seat. Her stomach churned with each jolt of the plane and her fists were so tightly clenched, her nails had dug divots into her palm. By contrast, Evan was reading an ebook, as relaxed as if he were in a rocking chair.

‘It’s not unusual. We’re probably just flying through some thunder clouds. I doubt it will last long.’

Fifteen minutes later, and Holly’s head was between her knees, a paper bag open and any scrap of dignity gone.

‘Are you okay there, miss?’ The air steward who had dealt with her head was back, holding on to Holly’s seat to keep herself steady.

‘I am fine,’ Holly said at the exact moment that another bout struck. She dived for the paper bag and remained with her head there until the steward left again.

Five minutes later, when the plane was finally smooth again, she took a sip of water and let out a long groan.

‘Next time, you should bring some sweets to help,’ Evan said. ‘I think ginger’s meant to be good for sickness, isn’t it?’

‘I have no idea.’ Holly wished his voice was quieter. Something about the deepness of it seemed to resonate into her very skull. Unfortunately, he seemed to be in a mood for conversation.

‘You own the sweet shop, don’t you?’


‘That must be incredible. I mean, it’s a dream, right? From what I’ve heard Fin say about the place, it’s a big kid’s paradise. Chocolate hedgehogs, marzipan squirrels. I never liked marzipan growing up, but I’ve got more of a taste of it now that I’m older. Though I’ll always be a chocolate man deep down. Chocolate truffles, ice cream. The lot.’

‘Can we please not talk about sweets right now?’ A deep breath in caused the taste of bile to sting the back of her throat. ‘Or anything else, for that matter?’

She rested her hands on her head. The positive side of the travel sickness was that she had gone a half an hour without worrying about Ben, Hope or Georgia. Also, any hope that Evan still found her cute was well and truly gone. If the massive bruise on her head hadn’t done it, then the horrific noises and foul aromas that came from her emptying her stomach into a paper bag would have done. How he still wanted to make conversation with her was, in her mind, a miracle.

‘Don’t worry.’ He placed his hand on her arms. ‘When you get to the villa, you can have a dip in the pool. That’ll make you feel better.’

Mention of the pool caused images of brown sludge and warty toads to sweep into Holly’s mind. Reaching for the bag, she ducked her head and let out another low moan.


The rest of the journey was smooth enough until the landing. Despite seeing the ground growing closer and closer through the window, the thud of the wheels hitting the tarmac caught Holly by surprise. Gasping, she reached out and grabbed the arm rest. Only it was already in use, and what she grasped instead was Evan’s arm.

‘Sorry.’ Her hand sprang up away from him.

‘It’s fine. I hate take offs and landings, too. The rest of it I’m fine with, but it doesn’t matter how much I fly; I don’t think I’ll ever like this part.’ He smiled softly before the expression dropped. ‘How are you feeling? How’s your stomach?’

‘Empty, but I think that’s a good thing.’

‘And what about your head?’

Reaching up, Holly touched the tender spot below her hairline.

‘It’s fine. Annoying. I’m not normally the clumsy one.’

‘Just the one who babbles?’

His eyes caught hers, and she found herself needing to look away. Even then, she could feel him watching her.

The instant the plane stopped, passengers rushed to stand, despite the seatbelt sign remaining on.

‘This drives me mad,’ Evan said. ‘No one can get out until they open the doors. I don’t know why everyone stands up so soon. I prefer to sit and wait. It gives me time to think.’

Given how disastrous the flight had been so far, Holly waited in her seat. The fewer bags in the overhead compartment, the less chance of being hit by one. Although it meant sitting next to Evan for even longer. Thankfully, he quickly turned his attention back to his e-reader.

Deciding she might as well do the same, she stuck her nose into her book and began to read again.