‘We should probably think about moving?’ Evan’s voice caught her by surprise, as did the fact that Holly looked up from her page and found the plane only a third full. ‘And at the risk of sounding like I don’t think you’re capable, can I get your bag down for you? It’s an entirely selfish request. I’m not sure my French is good enough to deal with a hospital if you knock yourself out this time.’

Standing up, Holly offered him a grateful smile.

‘Thank you. That would be helpful.’

While Evan brought the bags down, Holly scanned up and down the plane, searching for the others. Considering how few people were left, they should have been easy to spot, yet there was no sign of them.

‘I guess the others have got off already,’ she said, taking her bag from Evan. ‘I didn’t see them pass.’

‘They probably went out the back door. Don’t worry, we’ll see them at immigration.’

He stepped back, allowing her to slip out of the seat.

Just as Evan had said they would, they found the rest of the group in the immigration queue, though they were too far ahead to manage any sort of conversation. And although Evan was right beside her, Holly had bigger things to worry about than small talk. From the moment they had entered the building, she had tried to send a message to Ben, but it wouldn’t go through.

‘Sometimes it can take your phone a while to get a signal, that’s all,’ Evan said, as Holly swore at the screen. ‘And there’s Wi-Fi at the villa. So you can call them on that. But you can use my phone now if you want? I travel a lot, so I know it works.’

Holly was about to refuse. Using a strange and attractive man’s phone to message her ex didn’t feel like a good thing to do, but she quickly changed her mind. After all, it wasn’t as if there was anything going on with them; she just wanted Ben to know she was there safe, that was all.

‘That would be great, thank you.’

Evan held out her phone, though he kept his fingers on it, even when she had taken a hold.

‘I think I better keep an eye on that bump on your head. That’s twice you’ve accepted my help now. So either it’s a head injury, or you might be starting to like me?’

Holly pressed her lips together and tugged the phone from his grasp. ‘Definitely a head injury,’ she said, before firing off a message to Ben.

It wasn’t until they had made their way through passport control and were waiting by the baggage conveyer belt that she found the others.

Immediately, Caroline tugged her off to the side.

‘So, how was your flight?’ she asked conspiratorially. ‘Two hours sitting next to the beautiful Evan? Not that I’m trying to push you into anything. I’m just saying if I was single, I would go there.’

‘Don’t. Just don’t.’

Caroline went to grin, only for her expression to change as she viewed Holly more closely. ‘What happened? It couldn’t have been that bad. What did you talk about?’

‘It was difficult to do a lot of talking, with my head in a paper bag and everything.’

Caroline’s hand didn’t quite cover her gasp. ‘Oh no. And what happened to your head?’

‘Is there a mark?’ Holly groaned. So much for thinking the embarrassment was over.

‘A mark? If that’s what you want to call the massive bruise on your head, then, yes, there’s a mark. Did you knock it on something?’

‘I’ll tell you later,’ Holly said, her stomach sinking. So now everyone would be able to see the evidence of her clumsiness. This holiday was just getting worse and worse and it hadn’t even started properly. ‘Let’s go get our bags. I need a nap and food.’

The luggage took its time tumbling out over the conveyer belt, giving the others a chance to go over the plans yet again. There was a lot of nattering and a fair bit of yawning. But while the rest of them chattered away, Holly turned in a circle, trying to take this small airport in. She hadn’t even stepped outside yet, but so much about the room was new, exotic even: the different languages on the signs, the different uniforms of people that worked there. This was only Holly’s fourth trip abroad ever and one of those was a school trip on a ferry.

If nothing else, it was fascinating to see the range of suitcases people had. Plain black ones like hers were a rarity. There was one covered entirely in Disney characters, several with polka dots, and one that was decorated like a Van Gogh painting. At least half a dozen were completely covered in cellophane, and while Holly could appreciate the extra safety of wrapping up a suitcase like that, she couldn’t help but wonder how difficult it was to get off.

‘It drives me insane how people stand so close to the belt,’ Jamie said loudly, as someone shoved her to the side to stand in front of the yellow line. ‘If everyone just stepped back a bit, everyone could see, and there wouldn’t be the need for all this pushing and shoving.’

‘That’s mine!’ Sandra leaped into action, shoving several people out of the way. Behind her, Jamie stifled her growl. Another minute and it was Jamie and Fin’s joint, oversized holdall that appeared.

‘Just you and me left,’ Holly said to Evan, who had moved to stand next to her as the others backed away with the trolly.

‘Just you,’ he replied. ‘I brought hand luggage only. I needed to order a ton of things to the villa, so added a few clothes to the delivery. I’m just standing here to keep you company. Assuming you want it.’