Page 18 of XXXVII: The Elite

And the way Royal’s going, there will be one.

The guys on the screen have been going a lot longer than we have, and I’m almost certain whatever that pill was they took, it’s the source of it, because surely, no one has that much stamina.

“Royal.” I’m begging. “Please… I… Oh, God.”

He pauses, and it’s long enough for him to reach down and grab my knee. Then he’s pulling my leg up and resting my calf on the table.

The respite lasts seconds, before he’s resuming his thrusts. Only this time, the angle is different, and his cock is going deeper still, hitting another part of me that has me coming harder than the last time.

“Don’t you dare,” he snaps at me as my legs wobble.

It takes every last bit of effort to keep upright as Royal continues thrusting, making me wonder if he took one of those pills too.

On screen, Gabrielle screams through another orgasm.

Then, almost in perfect synchronization, the sandy haired guy and Royal seem to come together. Still inside me, Royal stops. My orgasm, however, is still going, and my pussy is clenching his cock.

“Fuck me,” Royal mutters before pressing kisses against my shoulder.

Eventually, he pulls out and helps me bring my wobbly leg back down. He holds onto me, just long enough to reach past me and hit a key on the keyboard, cutting off all the cries and moans from the speakers.

I’m still gripping the table, breathing like I’d kept going through that 5K and decided to do a full marathon.

Behind me, I can hear Royal pulling the condom from him, and then the sound of his pants being raised and fastened. “That was fucking amazing.”

“Yeah,” I say, although it’s somewhere between a gasp and a sigh. “Yeah.”

“It’s a shame there’s never going to be a repeat performance. Get your shit together and get out of here before they leave, and you get caught. Unless, of course you want more.”

My mouth drops open, and I turn, but Royal has already left the room.

Wearing nothing but my skirt, I fall back against the table and stare at the door, still trying to catch my breath.

I’m under no illusion that this was anything more than a fuck. If he’d stuck around, he’d have found that out. But the venom in his tone caught me by surprise.

Now is not the time to dwell on the fuck and duck. Royal’s right about needing to get out of here. I look around for my panties and top, but neither are in the room.

Eyes wide in disbelief, I grab the cardigan that’s fallen to the floor and pull that on. The fabric rubbing against my tender nipples is almost an exquisite torture. If I was alone in my room, I’d be getting myself ready for a third orgasm. Instead, I glance over my shoulder and see more movement on screen than I want as the masked figures start to walk down from their alcoves.

Hastily, I fasten my cardigan and hurry back up to the party as fast as I can, ignoring the feeling of my own juices that have started to run down my leg. No one pays me any attention unless I bump into them as I weave through the dancing crowds to the door. Then, outside, despite my discomfort and the accompanying ache, I don’t stop until I’ve made it to my room.



Iknow everything about Victoria Anderson.

The moment Cole was arrested for JP’s murder, Syn had me looking into him and his family.

New money. Their father was successful in his company when Cole was a toddler and Victoria hadn’t even been born. Within a few years, the Reynolds were millionaires. While Cole was a straight-A student, hoping to study law, little Victoria was just another teenager with money.

Until her brother was arrested, she was all over social media with a hefty number of followers. At sixteen, she was good looking, and she had no problem showing herself off online. Honestly, there were times I’d look at her photos and question her age.

When her brother was finally sentenced, I had saved every bit of information into a folder and left it there. Until earlier in the year when college applications opened up and one submitted pinged the alerts I had still set up.

Victoria Reynolds, who hadlegallychanged her name to Anderson, was applying to James Keyingham University.

The moment I told Syn, he became a different person.