Page 19 of XXXVII: The Elite

JP’s death was hard on us all, but for Syn, his actual brother, he’d turned into… a Stepford Wife.

Or a Keyingham Son.

With no JP, their father announced Synclair would be a presidential candidate.

And Syn, who, in all the years I’ve known him—which is pretty much my entire life—hasneverthought about politics, turned into a nodding dog for his father’s every wish.

Fuck me, the whole learning Mandarin and studying in Beijing bullshit would have had alarm bells ringing. Not because Syn’s father got through all the red tape to send his son to a country which still had the world’s tightest travel and quarantine restrictions, but because Syn refused to order Chinese take-out.

Weirdo health freak…

But once I told him that Cole’s baby sister was trying to enroll here, a light seemed to come on in his eyes.

Rage and revenge.

So, for the last few months, I’ve been studying every part of Victoria Anderson’s life.

I thought I knew it all… until I heard the sounds she made as Royal plowed into her.

And Royal…

Syn’s going to kill him.

Royal fucks who he wants and rarely more than once. Him fucking Victoria will have no emotional attachment to it. The guy was literally thinking with his dick.

But Syn was pretty clear about the hell we were about to rain down on this girl, and that doesn’t start with her getting laid at any point.

I sigh and hit the play button on my phone again.

Royal was a sneaky bastard about this one. I might be the genius, but he’s no dumb fuck when it comes to technology. I mean, who is these days? And going into the system and deleting twenty minutes of security footage isn’t rocket science.

Apparently, not deleting from the recycle bin was…

I made sure to grab a copy of that file before permanently deleting it.

Of course, that wasn’t my intention. But for some reason, Royal didn’t think I’d notice the gap in the time logs? And once I watched it?

At the time, I’d been in the Crypt, watching Gabrielle, Lissa, George and Declan get high and fuck, and there hadn’t been a single twitch in my dick. But watching one of my best friends fuckher?

Dipping my hand below the waistband of my sweats, I pull my already hard cock free. Without taking my face off the small screen in my other hand, I start stroking myself, quickly matching my pace to Royal’s.

I don’t know if it’s him or her, but I want to be in the middle of that.

She barely hesitated, practically spreading her legs the moment he had her on the desk. Then again, it’s Royal. Not that I’d ever tell him, but I’d twist like a pretzel if he asked.

I manage to turn up the volume so that her cries are almost deafening in my headphones.

So far, Syn’s been pretty vague on what he wants to happen to her.Make her pay. I know how twisted Syn was before JP died. This girl is going to regret coming here, and if Syn manages it—and I’m sure he will—Cole will be living with that regret too.

Setting the phone on my desk, not taking my eyes off the screen, nor pausing my wank, I reach for some Kleenex. Moments later, I’m spilling my load into the tissue.

As Royal walks off, leaving Victoria to gather her things together—and I haven’t missed the fact that he’s taken her top and panties—I stare at her surprised face. Slowly, my breathing returns to normal, and I clean myself off, tossing the tissue in the trash.

In another life, I might consider fucking her myself, however, this girl’s brother killed my best friend’s brother. She could be my fucking soulmate, but I’m not crossing that line.

Not that I think Royal did it intentionally. Like I said, the guy thinks with his dick. And judging from his parting comments, he’s not pussy-whipped. Probably thinks he’s got her out of his system and fucked her over—literally and metaphorically. But he probably should have waited for Syn to approve.

I close the video and set my phone to the side.