Ismirk at her. “Whatkind of employer, and friend, wouldIbe ifIdidn’t pay attention to these things?”

“Everythingokay?” she asks, while taking a long sip of her drink and rolling her eyes into the back of her head with a groan.Thesound goes straight to my dick andIhave to adjust myself under the table before someone sees what she does to me. “Iassume you needed me for something.”

Inod. “Yeah, you never told me anything about the wedding.Whatday is it again and what time does it even start?”

“Theceremony is for family only, but the reception is right after in their barn at four, and it’s twoSaturdaysfrom now.”

“Goodto know.”

Shebites her nails nervously. “Ihave something to ask you, and it’s okay if it makes you uncomfortable.”

Ieye her curiously, staying silent while she thinks of how to ask her question.Whenshe takes a deep breathIbrace myself for her question, but nothing could’ve prepared me for the one that comes out of her mouth.

“Willyou go to the wedding as my boyfriend?”

Inearly spit my chewed-up muffin all over her, but manage to tamp down the shock enough not to.Mycoughing though, not so much. “Uh, boyfriend?”Iask, clearing my throat dramatically.

Shenods slowly, then groans. “I’msorry, that’s beyond inappropriate.”

I’msure it is, butIcan’t help but smile at the idea of her using the termboyfriendwith me.Georgiaslams her head on the table and groans loudly again. “Pleaseignore everythingIjust said.”

Ishake my head.Noway is that going to happen, this is whatI’vealways hoped for —Georgiato notice me. “Notso fast,”Imutter. “I’dbe happy to escort you to the wedding as your boyfriend.”

Hereyes brighten in a wayI’venever seen before, and that only fills my heart with more hope. “Really?”Shechuckles and shakes her head. “Sorry, this is crazy.”

Ishake my head. “Notcrazy at all.”Atleast, not to me.Thisis whatI’vebeen wanting for a while now, so there’s nothing about it that’s crazy to me.I’msure someone else would have a different opinion of it though. “Readyto head back to the office?”

Shelifts her almost empty cup, sipping the rest quickly before nodding her head. “ReadyasI’llever be.”

* * *

Mrs.Salvo, a woman who comes weekly for her back, talks animatedly with me at the front of the office before heading out, andIglance around the empty office.Mostof the staff leaves about an hour before we close for the day, since most of my last appointments take place then.Theonly person who stays later isGeorgia, andIinch closer to her door to see if she wants to get dinner.

I’msurprised to find that she’s not in her office like usual, which is odd for her, butI’msure she needed the early day.She’sa hard worker, one of my most trustworthy, which is exactly why she deserved the office management position.EventhoughItake care of the more pressing issues,Georgiais the one that takes care of the less pressing.

I’dnormally go back to my office and look over paperwork that landed on my desk throughout the day, butI’mnot feeling as up to it asInormally am.Instead,Iwalk into my office and grab my jacket, then head out of the office quickly.I’lltextGeorgiaat least, make sure everything’s okay, or maybeIcould grab some flowers for her and bring them to her house.

Ismile at the idea, then crossMainStreetto get toPetalsin theWind.Thebell rings above my head and a woman behind the counter smiles politely at me. “You’rea new face.WhatcanIdo for you?”

Flowersaren’t my thing, so even thoughI’vebeen living here for a couple years now,Idon’t doubt this woman has never seen me.Igive her a nod and smile politely back at her. “Hi,Dr.Adler,I’mthe chiropractor across the street.I’mlooking for a nice bouquet for a womanI’minterested in.Thinkyou could get something made up for me?”

Thewoman nods excitedly. “Anyidea what her favorite flower is?”

Ithink back to the timesI’vewalked into her office, remembering the daisies she always has on her desk, and smile at the woman. “Daisies, please.”

Shenods, then claps her hands together. “Giveme a few minutes, you stay right here.”

Shedips from the counter and hurries through the different cases with a variety of flowers.Itonly takes her a couple minutes to walk back up to the counter with a beautifully made bouquet, which tells me how much she loves her job, and she hands them over to me. “Ihope this is okay.”

Iraise the bouquet to my nose, inhaling deeply with a satisfied hum, and nod at her. “Thisis perfect.Howmuch doIowe you?”

Shewaves a hand at me. “Fora new customer?It’son the house.”

“Ma’am, are you sure?”

“Loveis a beautiful thing, and the one thingImiss most about my husband is the flowers he’d bring home to me.”Shesmiles at me, her eyes shining with tears, and pats the hand resting on the counter. “I’msure,Mr.Adler.”

“Well, thank you.”BeforeIget myself choked up by her words,Irush from the shop and head back across the street toward my car.