

BeingthatI’mthe only chiropractor inDaisyCreek,I’mnot surprised whenCamdenDaviscomes walking through my door.Whatmost people don’t know about me, except forGeorgia, is thatI’ma huge baseball fan andI’vebeen followingCamden’sstats in theMinorssince he started.I’mnot usually into theMinorLeagueteams, but whenImoved here and heard people praising himIdecided to follow along with his career.

Camdenwalks up to the front counter, giving the receptionist a short nod while stretching his arms around. “Doy’all accept walk-in appointments?”

EventhoughIknow we don’t,I’dhate forCamdento be turned down, so before the receptionist can give him an automated answer,Ihurry up to the front desk with a smile.

“CamdenDavis, of course we accept walk-ins.”

Henods at me, then follows me to one of the back rooms.WhenIget the door shut,Ilather some hand sanitizer on my hands before turning to him. “WhatcanIhelp you with?”

Hegrunts as he sits down, rubbing at the small of his back. “IthinkImay have tightened something up in my back.I’moff for a little while, my sister's wedding is coming up, andI'vebeen doing exercises on my own.”

Inod, walking up to him with my hand outstretched. “Mindturning onto your stomach for me?”

Heobliges immediately and scrunches his eyebrows together at the twinge of pain.Thereare a couple knots in his back thatIcan feel immediately, which shouldn’t take too much to smooth over for him. “Let’sstart with you turning on your left side.Iwant you to straighten your left leg while bending your right, and keep your back flat on the table.”

Hefollows my direction andItwist until his back cracks beautifully.ThenItell him to repeat the same thing on the other side and get it cracked that way as well.Oncewe finish with that,Igrab a business card for a massage therapist thatIthink he’d enjoy going to.

“Thisis for the knots in your back,”Itell him asIhand him the card. “I’dlike you to come by once a week until you leave town.Soundgood?”

Camdennods, taking the card from my hand, then standing from the spot at the table. “Thanks, appreciate it.”Whenhe opens the door, he almost runs right intoGeorgiawho stares at him with wide eyes. “Gottawatch where you’re goin’,Peach.”


Howcome she’s never told me about this nickname?Imean,IguessI’vecaughtWinniecalling her that every once in a while, but never anyone else.

Georgia’smouth opens and closes, before she scurries away with her face as red as a tomato.I’mpretty certainIhave an appointment in another hour, which gives me plenty of time to takeGeorgiaout for a coffee and figure out the details of the wedding.

Sheasked me to go with her, but never told me any other information to go on.Iknow the wedding is in a week or two, but not the exact date.Orthe color dress she will be wearing, even thoughIalready got a vest and tie that would go with almost anything.

WhenIget to the lobby,GeorgiawatchesCamdenwalk out of the office door intently, not taking her eyes off him until he’s around the corner.

“Youknow him?”Iask.

Sheblinks a few times, then chuckles. “Dr.Adler, that’sWinnie’solder brother.”

IguessIknew that, now that she mentioned it.Ivaguely remember the people around town talking about the siblings, but allIever hear more about isCamden’sadventures.There’snot muchI’veheard aboutWinnie, other than she’s about to get married.

“Wouldyou want to go next door for a coffee?”IaskGeorgia.Shecocks her head to the side and sighs. “Ireally shouldn’t.”Hergaze tracks over the office, then she slumps her shoulders in defeat. “But,I’mgoing to need coffee to get through this day.”

Iraise an eyebrow. “Anothersleepless night?”

Shenods. “Nothingnew for me, it’s just affecting my mood.”

Aftershe walks to the back and grabs her purse, she lets the receptionist know that she’ll be back shortly and follows me out the door.Itonly takes a couple steps to get to the coffee shop and for her to breathe the coffee scent in deeply. ”God, just that is making everything better.”

Ichuckle. “Picka table,I’llorder our drinks.”

Thankfully,I’vebeen paying attention to everything that isGeorgiaFlowersandI’vefigured out what her favorite drink is from here.Thecashier smiles brightly at me, someoneI’vecome to know well, andIgive her a bright smile back. “Maci, how are you today?”

“Good, what canIget for you today,Dr.Adler?”

Irub my chin, not entirely sure whatIwant, but decide on gettingGeorgia'sfirst. “I’lltake a caramelFrappuccino, extra caramel, and could you add someOreopieces into it?”I’mnot sure where she got the idea for the cookie pieces, butI’mnever one to judge.Afteranother glance at the menu for my own order,Iopt to only stick with a blueberry muffin.

WhenIget to the table withGeorgia'sdrink, her eyes widen at the oneIhand to her. “Youknow which oneIget?”