Withoutanother thought ofCamden,Ilead us through the tent and into the house.There’sso much going on around us,I’msurprised it’s running so smoothly right now.Wenod at the workers milling around the kitchen, preparing the reception dinner, and head upstairs.Iknock onWinnie’sdoor and she swings it open quickly, pulling the two of us inside.

“He’snot going to change his mind, right?”Winnieasks, her wide gaze darting from me toJean.

Jeansighs and shuffles her daughter over to one of the empty chairs. “Honey,Ihave no doubt in my mind that man loves you with all his heart.”Shesmiles atWinniethoughtfully, using it to calm the growing nerves inside her, and says, “Ifhe does happen to change his mind, that’s his loss.”

Winniegroans, throwing her head back in irritation. “Iwas fine this entire time, so sure of this, but now we are closer to me walking down the aisle andI’mscared.”

“Asyou should be, sweetie.”Jeanlooks between the two of us and chuckles. “HaveIever told you girls about the day of my wedding?”

We’veheard the story of their wedding a million times.It’salways been one of our favorites.ButIdon’t recall anything bad happening.Mr.Davisgave her a note before they met at the altar, something forJeanto read before walking down, but she never told us what was written inside.

Winniesmiles. “I’veheard about your wedding day more times thanIcan count,Mom.”

“Youhave, but the one thingI’vealways left out is the exact words your father wrote in that note he gave me.”Shesighs, a smile forming on her face. “Hewas the one scared on our wedding day, worried thatI’drun away instead of walking toward him.”

“Howcould he possibly think that?”Winnieasks, threading her fingers together in her lap.

Jeansmiles. “Itseems ridiculous now, but all couples have their tough moments and one of ours was the day before the wedding.”

“Well, what did he write?”Iask, cutting through the silence.

“Hetold me that ifIdidn’t walk down that aisle, he would do everything in his power to find me and convince me our hearts were meant for each other.Therewas nothing stopping him from marrying me, even if it took me longer to realize that.”Shechuckles. “Littledid he know,Iwas more than ready to walk down that aisle beforeIgot the note — the note just made me even more ready.”

“Howdoes this help me?”Winnieasks, chewing on her bottom lip.

“I’mnot sure it will, but ifSageloves you he will be waiting for you at the end of the aisle and you have to have faith in that love.JustlikeIhad faith in mine and your father’s.”

Winniewipes at her eyes with a small smile, her shoulders dropping slowly as her nerves dissipate. “You’reright, let's do this thing.”Shestands tall, lifting her chin high in the air, and holds her hands out to the two of us. “Thankyou guys for being here for me today, and the place looks beautiful,Georgia.”

* * *

Winniehad nothing to worry about in regard toSage.AsIstood on the left side of the altar, while my best friend walked toward the love her of life,Sagecried like a baby at seeing her.Shelooked mesmerizing andIfound thatIcouldn’t take my eyes off her either, thoughIdid spare a single glance atCamdenonce she made it toSageand noted the tears in his eyes as well.

Now,WinnieandSageare walking around the decorated tent with huge smiles on their faces as they talk to each guest.Ihaven’t caught sight ofBishopyet, butI’msure he’s hiding around here somewhere — it did only start a little bit ago, maybe he’s running late.

I’mjust about to askWinnieif she wants to start the food, whenBishopcomes around the corner in a navy suit.Asuit that has me stopping quickly, studying his frame in it, and the attractionIfeel toward him is sudden.Ishake my head, growling in frustration, then glance around the tent forCamden’stall frame.

Hewinks at me from across the tent when my gaze finds his and my cheeks heat in response.Insteadof focusing on the man who isn’t my date,Iinch closer toBishopand nudge him with my shoulder. “Niceof you to join us.”

Bishopsmiles, his white teeth shining against the dimly lit background. “Youlook stunning tonight,Georgia.”Thenhe leans forward and presses his lips against my temple, a wave of butterflies flying through my stomach at the touch.Henods toward the empty tables and runs a hand through his hair. “Arethere certain seating arrangements?”

Ishake my head. “Notat all, sit wherever you like.”

Hethreads his fingers through mine. “Comesit with me for a minute?”

EventhoughIhave my own spot right next toWinnieat the head table,IfollowBishopthrough the crowd and sink into one of the empty chairs at the table he leads us to.There’ssomething about the way he’s looking at me that has me darting my gaze away from him.Hecan’t possibly see me as more than a friend, can he?



ThemomentIcaught sight ofGeorgiaacross the tent, her beauty was the only thingIcould focus on.Howher dark hair fell in beautiful waves down her back, the way the dress she wore hugged the delicious curves she doesn’t know she has, and how the makeup she has painted on her face brightens her dark green eyes.There’snothing more mesmerizing than her beauty, even if there are hundreds of other women strutting through this place.

Georgia’sgaze cuts to the dance floor for a third time since dinner ended andInudge her shoulder with a smirk. “Carefor a dance?”

Shesnaps her head over to me, an eyebrow raised. “Dance?’

Inod, holding a hand out to her. “Whatkind of date wouldIbe ifIdidn’t take you out to the dance floor?”