“Youmake a good point,Dr.Adler.”

Themoment her palm connects with mine, my blood hums with need for her.I’mnot a great dancer, butI’ddo anything if it means putting a smile on her face — even embarrassing myself in front of all these people.

Myshoulders are stiff when we get out to the makeshift dance floor, but they slump in relief when a slow song comes on.Thisis somethingIcan manage a lot easier than dancing to something with a beat.Iwrap my arm around her waist, splaying my fingers over the small of her back while threading my fingers through her hand.

Shesmiles sheepishly at me, her cheeks turning a bright shade of pink as she steps in tune with me to the music.I’mcertainI’llscrew this up at some point, but as long as she’s standing in front of meI’mcontent.

Sureenough though,Istep on her foot and her breath hitches as she winces at the contact. “Sorry,Ishould’ve let you knowI’mnot that great of a dancer.”

Georgiasmiles at me. “It’sokay, just follow my movements.”Shemoves her feet in time with the music, something that should be easy, butIfind myself having a hard time concentrating.

Herchuckle lights a fire in my chest andIfind myself laughing along with her. “Youdon’t have to dance with me,Bishop.”

Ishake my head, pulling her closer to me. “I’llget the hang of it.”

Shenods, but her eyes widen as she looks over my shoulder.

“MindifIstep in?”Camden’svoice booms behind me, and my posture immediately straightens andIwhirl around with my hand still threaded throughGeorgia’s.Hedoesn’t even spare me a glance, only continues to stare intently intoGeorgia'seyes with a smile. “Ithink you promised to save me a dance.”

That’snews to me, which he must notice because he sends me a wink and continues smirking at the beautiful woman standing next to me.Itighten my grip onGeorgia’shand, enough to gain her attention, which seems to be focused on the man in front of us.

Shepulls her hand from mine, givingCamdena soft smile, and turns to me. “It’salright,Bishop.Ipromised him a dance earlier.”

Thiscan’t be happening right now.I’mher date, not him.Whatdoes she need to be promising him a dance for?Iget that he’s her best friend's brother, but they already did the primal party dance — was that not enough for the two of them?

Insteadof making a scene in front of the crowd gathering around us,Ireluctantly step away fromGeorgiaand give her a small nod before backing away from them.

Myeyes narrow onCamden, but he only sends me a wink before stepping up toGeorgiaand wrapping his arms around her waist.Shemolds right into him, a brightness in her eyes thatI’veyet to see in her gaze when she looks at me.It’sat that momentIrealize exactly what’s been happening, the fool she played me for.

Invitingme as her date had nothing to do with getting closer to me, it had everything to do with making the man currently holding her jealous.Allshe’s wanted this entire time is for him to give her attention, even thoughI’vedone exactly what he should’ve the moment he met her.Howcan she not see that he doesn’t deserve her?

Istand at the other end of the tent for a moment longer, watching asGeorgiasmiles and laughs at somethingCamdensays, her green eyes twinkling like stars in the night sky.

WhenIturn around,Winnie’sstanding a few feet away while someone uses their hands to talk toSagenext to her, but her gaze is strictly focused on me.Insteadof saying anything, sinceI’msure she was behind this in the first place,Istalk out of the tent for some fresh air.

I’mnot going to stand there and watch the womanI’vecrushed on for years crush on someone who isn’t me.Assoon asIstep out into the cool air of the night,Itake a deep breath and glance around the area.Thereare a few people walking up from a trail andIwalk toward them, hoping to find some alone time whileIthink.

WhenIturn the corner, someone calls my name behind me andWinnierushes up to me while holding her dress. “Bishop, wait!”Shestops in front of me, her gaze penetrating mine, and lets out a resigned sigh. “She’scrushed on him for years, you have to understand.”

Iglare at her. “Understand?”That’stypical,Georgia’sthe one who made the mistake butI’msupposed to understand why she made it in the first place.But,I’msure if it were the other way around andIdid this to herI’dbe scum to the two of them. “Iwas played,Winnie.”

Winnie’seyes widen at my response and she brings a hand to her mouth. “Youactually like her, don’t you?”

Iscoff. “Gee,Iwonder what gave it away — the fact thatIstormed out of the tent because she’s looking at your brother as if he hung the damn moon, or whenIimmediately offered to be her date to this damn thing in the first place?”

“Bishop… she didn’t know.”

“Ifind that hard to believe,Winnie.Itdoesn’t change her intentions with this night weren’t anything to do with me, andI’mnot sureIcan stay here the rest of the night.”Aslong asWinnielets me take a breather for a minute,Imay change my mind and go back inside.Itwas only a dance after all, what’s the real harm in that?

Winniesighs, nodding slowly before backing away from me. “Ihave to get back inside beforeSagewonders whereIran off to.”Shedoesn’t say another word as she walks away, her head dropped low in shame at what she andGeorgiadid to me.

Good, she should be ashamed.

Irub a hand over my face, then head up the trail without looking back at the party going on behind me.Thelast thingIwant is to be around a bunch of people getting drunk right now,Ineed a breather alone.That’sall.ThenI’llgo back to the wedding reception and tellGeorgiaexactly howIfeel about her, then hope she gives me the chanceIdeserve.

Acouple other guests walk past me, laughing with each other, and it only has me wishingIcould be laughing withGeorgiainside.Shehas a smileI’ddo anything to see, but what about me?Doesshe even realizeI’mnot in there right now, or is she more worried aboutCamdenholding her close?

Thinkingabout what they’re doing right now isn’t going to lessen the anger building inside me.Ineed to find something else to think about.Winniegenuinely looked surprised at figuring outIlikeGeorgia.HaveInot been obvious in my attraction toward her this entire time?