Whichgoes to show how muchIwork, and how oftenIdrive through town whenI’mnot.Mylife consists of taking care of my patients, then relaxing silently at home.Butever sinceImetGeorgia, and now that we are getting closer than ever before,I’mstarting to hate sitting on my back porch alone at night.

Iwave toWinnie, realizingI’mgetting way too into my head right now, and give her a smile. “Thanks,Winnie, have a good evening.”

“Youtoo,Bishop.Can’twait to see you tomorrow.”

Thesmell of bacon flows through the air as soon asIopen the door to the diner andIinhale it gratefully.There’snothingIlove more than the smell of bacon and that’s how this place smells every single day.Itmight sound weird, but sometimesIcome in here for a lousy cup of coffee just soIcan smell the bacon — obviouslyIalso order a plate of their bacon, butIwould look crazy ifIkept ordering the stuff and nothing else.

Baconis my guilty pleasure though.Whichis whyIask the guy at the counter ifIcan have a dozen strips of bacon, pancakes, and a bacon double cheeseburger to go.Georgiawill eat the burger, butIlove my breakfast foods and get them for almost every meal.

AfterIpay for the food,Itake a seat by the front entrance and watch as customers walk through the door.Thereare a few teenagers that are standing in line, and it takes me back to the days whenIwas one and whatIwouldn’t give to have lived somewhere like this.

Ididn’t get that luxury though.Instead,Igot a private education and friends who only wanted to be around me for the money.

OnceIcame out here, most of them stopped talking to me — not thatIreally mind, since they weren’t actually my friends.Thingshave been peaceful sinceImoved here.

Thegroup of kids laugh loudly at something one of the girls says andIfind myself smiling at their antics.

Enjoyit while it lasts, kids, because adulting sucks ass.That’swhatIwant to say to them, but instead,Iturn my gaze away from them and bring my phone up to my face.Theguy who rang up my order walks from behind the counter and holds a bag out to me. “Havea good day.”

Idon’t even get to respond before he’s walking away, looking like this is the most irritating job of his life.Hesteps back behind the counter, taking the next person's order with a barely there smile, andIwalk out.IfIhad cash in my pocket,Iwould’ve put a tip in the jar sitting next to him, but unfortunately,Iforgot to go to the bank this morning beforeIwent into the office.

Beingin this town has really brought my love for nature back.Allthe trees that surround the town are beautiful, especially when fall comes around and the leaves are changing colors.There’sa river that flows through one side ofDaisyCreek, and if you hike up one of the trails during sunset it creates a beautiful backdrop for a romantic picnic.

Imentally make a note of that for after the wedding, whenItry to takeGeorgiaon another date, and slip into my car.Insteadof going straight ahead likeIusually would to get home,Imake aU-turn and head the wayWinnietold me to.Itonly takes me a couple minutes to make it to the end of the driveway andItake a few deep breaths asIinch my way up it.

Afew horses stand in the pasture on my right, my sights caught on the beautiful black one close to the fence, andIstop for a second to admire it.Itfeels likeI’mpast due for a visit to this place.Asfar asI’veheard, theDavisranch can be used for anything — horseback riding, fishing at their lake, quad trails, and many other things.

WhenIget in front of a large ranch house,Icatch sight ofGeorgiain the backyard, andCamdenstanding awfully close to her.Notfor long ifIcan help it.



Ispent entirely too much time getting myself ready this morning, especially sinceI’mplanning on doing a bunch of decorating in theTexasheat.I’mpretty sure my makeup is already running, butIwanted to look good today.I’mwearing the dark blue lace tank topIpulled out the night before, and paired it with a pair of white shorts and cowgirl boots.

Thepushup braImanaged to find deep in my dresser gives my breasts enough swell to make it look likeI’mpacking something.I’mnot usually one to be self-conscious about myself, but there’s a reasonCamdenhasn’t taken notice of me all these years, and ifIcan change any of it,Iwill.

Winnietexted me earlier to let me knowCamdenwas starting on getting the tablecloths set up, and he’s just waiting on me to come by and show him how the centerpieces go on each table.Shouldbe easy, right?

That’swhatIthought too, untilIcatch sight ofCamdenon the other side of the tent with his shirt hanging over his shoulder.Hisskin is glistening with sweat, only making the image that much hotter, andIphysically have to fan myself while looking at him.

Ishake my head reproachingly.Getyourself together,Georgia.

Nowonder he hasn’t given me the time of day,I’ma drooling like an idiot right now andI’msure he’s caught me more than once.Nottoday though.TodayIwill be less pathetic, and act likeIdon’t care what he looks like — even thoughI’mimagining all the thingsIcould do to him at this moment.

Camdenflings his head back, getting the hair out of his eyes, and catches me standing there awkwardly.

“Peach,” he says with a smile.

Iglare at him. “Itold you not to call me that.”

“Yeah, yeah.Cometo help me, or watch?”

“W-what do you mean?”Shit, there’s no way he caught me staring at him, he wasn’t even looking at me until five seconds ago.

Hechuckles. “Well, from whereI’mstanding, you still haven’t moved from that spot.So, you watching or helping?”

Ofcourse, he’s making a joke about me just standing here.Notabout me staring at him like a lovesick fool.Iroll my eyes at him, then sit my purse down on the grass in the corner of the tent and walk over to the box of centerpiece decorations.Winniedidn’t want anything over the top, which is exactly whyIkept it simple with some jars.