Ihave to chuckle quietly while hearing that because it seems like we’re thinking the same thing, butIwonder whose attention he’s trying to catch.

Insteadof focusing on that,Itake a seat in the waiting area whileCamdenfinishes up with his tux.I’vebeen going crazy ever since the dinnerItried having withGeorgia, but since she’s been out of work for the wedding,Ihaven’t had another chance to talk to her.

Camden’sheavy footsteps fall next to my chair and he claps my back with a smirk. “Yougot a hot date or something?”

Ismile. “Youhaven’t heard?I’mGeorgia’sdate to the wedding,I’mhere to get the tux for it.”

Thesmirk onCamden’sface immediately vanishes, then he pays for his rental and heads out the door quickly.Icock my head to the side, not understanding what just happened, but the clerk calls for me to come with him andIget the worry out of my head.

“Let’ssee if we have to do any other alterations before tomorrow,” the clerk says while carrying my tux over to me.

Islip the suit on, the arms sitting on my arms just the wayIlike it, and nothing seems to be too long.Thelegs sit just right at my feet, the perfect length for whenIput my shoes on with it. “Itlooks great,”Itell him with a smile, then take everything back off.

Henods in thanks, taking the garment bag from my hands and carrying it to the front register. “It’sone hundred fifty-seven dollars to rent it for the day.”

I’mnot usually one to rent out tuxes, preferring to buy my own, but the price seems a bit steep for a day.Insteadof worrying about the price,Ihand him my black card and he swipes it through the card reader.Hehands the card and tux over to me happily, letting me knowIhave twenty-four hours after the wedding to return the tux, orIrisk paying full price for the item.

WhenIwalk back into the office, the place is empty, andIlet out a rough sigh.NothavingGeorgiahere is really messing with my head.EvenifIsend everyone home on slow days,Georgiais always the one to stay behind because she thinks that’s part of her duties.WithGeorgiaoff, it’s no surprise there’s nothing but silence right now.

Idon’t mind the silence usually, butIhate knowingGeorgiaisn’t right down the hall with me.There’san appointment in about thirty more minutes, thenI’mclear for the rest of the day — even though there’s an hour and a half left.Aslong as no one walks in,Ishould be good to close up early and try to takeGeorgiasomething to eat.

OnceCamdencame in here wanting a walk-in appointment, others started coming in as well.Sinceit wasn’t somethingIoffered originally,Ihad to change things up and offer it now.OnethingI’verealized since being here, there isn’t a damn thing you can get away with inDaisyCreek.

Thisis whyIshouldn’t be surprised when my last client of the day comes in, asking aboutGeorgiaand me excitedly.I’mnot entirely sure she even needs anything done, since the moment this woman walked in all she’s done is talk non-stop and hasn’t even sat down for me to examine her.Apparently, her leg is giving her problems and she wants to make sure it doesn’t need to be popped back into place, butI’mwilling to bet she only wanted my dirty details.

Ichuckle at her, interrupting her rambling. “Ma’am, do you need help with something thatIcan answer professionally?”I’mnot one to care much about the gossip, even though the rest of the town is, but when it comes to my life,I’mnot feeding into their shit.

Shesighs. “No,Dr.Adler.”

“I’lllet you know, just likeI’velet every other person know who’s asked me questions today,Iwon’t be giving out any information.Sorryto disappoint.”Ipat her back lightly. “Youhave a great evening, ma’am, thank you for stopping in.”

Atleast this appointment didn’t last longer than necessary.I’llstill be able to grab something to eat forGeorgiaand take it to her before it gets dark.

Shequietly exits the office, giving me a small wave goodbye with her shoulders slumped in defeat since she wasn’t able to crack me.Nobodyhas all day, but they’ve tried their damn hardest.Ihad a few walk-ins come in, each with their own tales of why they needed my services, only for them to get into the room and badger me with questions aboutGeorgia.

I’mnot even sure how they ended up finding out, sinceWinniedoesn’t seem like the gossiping type, butI’mnot entirely sure what her fiancé is like.Insteadof leaving immediately,Isit at the reception desk in case a walk-in comes inside — since there’s another hour left to be open.

Aboutfifteen minutes later,Ilift from my chair and head back to my office to grab my things.Thegarment bag with my tux hangs on the door, soIgrab that first, then my briefcase sitting in the corner, before turning the lights out asIwalk down the hall.Georgia’sdoor is slightly ajar, soItake a moment to double-check that her trash was taken out, then shut it behind me.

Ilock the door, then head across the street to the diner whereWinnieis walking out with a smile on her face as she stares at her phone.Sheglances up, her eyes widening at my appearance, and stuffs her phone into her pocket quickly.

“Dr.Adler, hello.Isn’tthe office still open?”

Inod. “Itwas, but it’s a slow day soIdecided to close it up early and grab something to eat.”ThenIrememberGeorgiais at her ranch, and even thoughI’vebeen here for a couple years,Istill can’t remember which way the ranch is. “Thinkyou could give me directions to your parents’ ranch?”

Shecocks her head to the side, then smirks. “Whatfor?”

“I’msure you can figure that out,MissDavis.”

“God, please call meWinnie.”

“Ofcourse, as long as you call meBishopoutside of the office.”

Sheholds her hand out and says, “Deal.”

Iplace mine firmly into hers, then rub the back of my neck nervously. “Directions, please?”

Winniepoints to the left end ofMainStreet. “Justgo that way onMain, make a left at the second light, go down the road about a mile, and our driveway is on the right.”Shechuckles after she finishes and gives me a wink. “You’dthink after being here for two years that you’d know this by now,Bishop.”