Page 63 of Playing with Fire

The guys ran back to start the truck as I flicked the match, tossing it to the porch. An ombre of yellow, orange, and red roared to life, lighting up the dark trailer park.

Heat blasted my face as I watched the fire engulf more of the trailer, growing taller and wider. I stood mesmerized, watching the fire claim the trailer and every horrible thing that Harper ever endured with it. She would never come back to this trailer again, and knowing it was gone now sent a wave of relief flooding over me that I didn't realize I was harboring.

"Let's go," Maverick yelled from the truck's passenger side, pulling me from my thoughts.

I jumped in the truck, and Link sped off before my door closed.

"Harper's not safe at your place anymore," Link said what we were all thinking as he swerved the truck out of the trailer park. "Chloe, either."

"School either," Bash said. "We have three weeks until the senior's last day. Maybe your mom can help organize a way for her to finish from home."

I nodded. Harper was no longer safe in this town. She would never be safe if Noah and Levi were alive, making the calls in the Southside. Even hidden behind the thick iron bars surrounding the Valley, she wouldn't be safe anymore. They would come for her to get to me.

"Noah's going to send his goons after her," Maverick added. "He's too big of a pussy to come himself."

"I want him dead," I said, my tone laced with venom. "Levi too."

"That's inevitable, man," Bash said. "But we need to be smart about this."

Link took a sharp left, and my gaze flicked out the window to the sky-high thick black smoke as the sound of piercing sirens zoomed by us. They were undoubtedly heading to put out the fire I'd started. A smirk tugged at the corner of my lips, knowing they'd be too late. Noah's trailer was long gone, but maybe they'd make it in time to save the rest of the trailer park. Not that it'd hurt my feelings to see the entire park burned to the ground. How many of them knew what was happening to Harper? How many turned a cheek and let Noah beat her? How many participated? Nope, I'd be fine with the Villa Boys taking their dirty business elsewhere.

Before Link came to a complete stop in front of the pool house, I had the door open and jumped out.

"Where's Harper?" I stood in the living room.

"She's showering," my mom answered, pointing up toward the bathroom upstairs.

"What happened," Aiden gaze flashed between me, Bash, Maverick, and Link.

"We heard there was a fire in the Villas," Julian added.

"Yeah," I said dryly. "Noah's trailer is gone." He nodded in understanding. "Chloe, what happened today? Why were you guys on that side of the school alone?" I needed to know who had sent Harper and Chloe out to that side of the school so I could eliminate that problem too.

"Harper said someone from the office buzzed into her class and told her to report to the field immediately."

"Who, why?"

"I don't know," Chloe shrugged, her voice a shaky whisper. "I just happened to be coming out of the bathroom when she was headed towards the field." Chloe looked down at her fidgeting hands. "She said she didn't recognize the male voice. I thought it was weird, so I tried to text you but had no service. Mason came out of nowhere."

"So, someone in the office is working with Noah," Bash shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Possibly," I said. "But it's also possible that someone got into the office and accessed to the intercom." He nodded. "Mom, can you do some digging and see if anyone has ties to Noah or the Villa Boys working in the office?"

She nodded. My mom had a private investigator, Ricky Gonzalez, on retainer; he was the best."I'll call the school tomorrow and see if Harper can finish out her senior year from a safe location," my mom said.

"No." Everyone's gaze flicked around to see Harper standing at the bottom of the stairwell. My heart clenched at the black and blue discoloration covering her face. "No," she repeated, this time a demand. "I'm not going to let them take anything else from me. I'm finishing my senior year and walking at graduation."

"Harper," I said. "We can discuss this once you are safe. Go upstairs and pack a bag."

"Christian," she said. "I'm not running and hiding anymore. I'm going to do what I should have done a long time ago and stand up for myself."

"Harper," I hissed. Now was not the time for her to be brave. They were going to kill her. "I'm not giving them another opportunity to hurt you. So, go pack a bag, or I'll do it for you."

"No." Stepping into her, my heart sank when she flinched. She had just been assaulted, and here I was, trying to intimidate her. I didn't want to scare her; I wanted to protect her. But paralyzing fear consumed me. The fear that the next time they came for her, I wouldn't be there to protect her, and they'd kill her.

"Christian." My mom hopped to her feet. "Take a walk." I backed away from Harper.

"I'm sorry, Harper," I said before walking out of the house and down to the lake.