Page 62 of Playing with Fire

"Are you okay?" I sank to the floor with her and pulling her into me. Her head fell against my chest, her body still trembling. I had no idea why Chloe and Harper were on this side of the school, but that would have to wait.

Chloe's frantic cries sounded from the opposite side of the door. They wouldn't let her in. No one knew what mess they'd find once they got inside the bathroom.

"Aiden is pulling the truck around," Maverick said. "He'll meet us at the back of the school. Christian, get Harper out of here. The rest of us will clean this mess up."

"Is he dead?" I asked, anger vibrating through my body.

"I don't know." Maverick shrugged, glancing down, eyes narrowed on Mason.

"I'm not leaving until he's dead. Bash, take Harper and Chloe back to my place. I'm staying."

"Christian." Maverick scowled, shoving a hand over his head.

"Guys, we don't have time to argue about this," Bash said, cutting Maverick off. "We need to get Harper out of here and this mess cleaned up now before someone comes to this side of the campus.

"Aiden and I will take Harper and Chloe," Julian said. "You guys do what you need to."

"Take care of her," I said, scooping Harper off the floor and handing her to Julian, who carried her out of the bathroom, leaving Maverick, Link, Bash, and me to take care of Mason.

Link leaned down, placing two fingers at the pulse point on Mason's wrist. "It's weak, but he still has a pulse."

"What are we going to do with him?" Maverick asked, nodding toward Mason's body.

"We are going to deliver him to Noah." I hovered over Mason's body. "With a message." I reared my boot before bringing it forward and smashing it against Mason's bloody face.

Chapter 36


"Come out, you fucking pussy," I yelled, slamming my car door shut and storming toward the beat-down trailer. My chest heaved with anger; my fist balled at my side. I was ready for a fight. "Pick on someone your own fucking size."

Maverick and Link dragged Mason's limp body across the gravel, dropping it on the broken steps that led up to the trailer.

"He's not there," a female said, strolling up behind us. "What happened to him?" My gaze flicked to Piper, who stopped beside Bash.

"He fucked with the wrong person."

"Is he dead?" She leaned forward to get a better look at him. My eyes hardened, warning her not to ask questions she didn't want to know the answer to.

"Where is he?" My fists clenched at my sides.

"I don't know." She shrugged, smacking her gum and flipping her long blond hair over her shoulder. "I saw them load up about ten minutes before you showed up."

My gaze flicked back to the trailer before they darted around the park, looking for something I could destroy what remained of this shit hole trailer park. My eyes settled on a red and yellow gas can.

"Let's light this bitch up," Link yelled, running to the gas can. He knew exactly what I thought when my eyes landed on that can of gas.

"Woah." Piper scowled, grabbing my arm. "If you do this, they will kill you.

"Tell them where to find me," I said, my eyes locked on hers. I jerked my arm out of her grasp before taking the can from Link and heading toward the trailer.

"You should go home," Bash warned. "You don't want to be tied to this."

Piper sprinted back to her trailer. She stood for several long minutes before finally going inside.

Bash dragged Mason's body off the steps, dumping him on the ground before we started. I wanted Noah to find Mason's lifeless body and see what his fate was. I wanted him to know he fucked with the wrong person, and I was coming for him next.

We all found gas cans scattered throughout the park and covered not just the outside but also the inside. I wasn't just dousing Noah's home; I was smothering every bad memory Harper ever experienced in this home and setting fire to it. I couldn't erase her past, but I could eliminate it from becoming her future.