Page 90 of Shadow

“Already in the school’s system. Sending the plans to your phones. Found them! Keys has all four women in the cafeteria.”

“Keep monitoring and let us know if anything changes. We can be at the high school in fifteen minutes. Let’s ride!” Kansas said, running from the room, the rest of us hot on his heels.

Chapter Twenty-Three


“Keys, what in the hell are you doing?” Kali asked, as she struggled against the zip-ties securing her arms behind her back.

“Shut up,” he sneered, backhanding her across the face, knocking her to the floor.

Heading back to the clubhouse, none of us were paying attention when a van came up beside us and bumped us, running us off the road. Thanks to Kali’s quick thinking, she steered her SUV into a ditch without rolling the large vehicle. When the vehicle came to a stop, Keys opened the driver’s side door and pointed a gun in Kali’s face.

None of us moved.

Watching him pace the cafeteria at the local high school, Hope leaned over and whispered, “I hate using this term, but he is fucking nuts.”

I nodded in complete agreement as Keys muttered to himself, occasionally hitting the side of his head before he walked out of the cafeteria, leaving us alone.

“Kali, are you okay?” I asked, trying my best to help her sit back up. It was hard with my arms tied behind my back, but somehow, we managed it. Looking at her pretty face, I saw her busted lips.

“Joan, I’m pregnant.”

Shit, I muttered silently.

“I haven’t told Kansas yet. I wanted it to be a surprise.”

“It’s going to be okay, Kali,” Hope offered. “Zeke and Balthazar will be here soon.”

Turning to look at her, I asked. “How do you know?”

Hope smiled. “Because I know my brothers. Nothing. And I mean nothing, will stop them from getting to us.”

“They don’t even know we’re missing or where we’re at.”

“Kansas will know how to find us,” Kali admitted, leaning her head against the cement wall of the cafeteria.


“I have a tracker embedded in my shoulder. As soon as he realizes I’m missing, he will turn it on and know where to find me. Hope is right. The brothers are coming. We just have to stay alive long enough for them to find us.”

Keys walked back into the cafeteria at that moment, tugging on another woman, who looked a little worse for wear. Tears running down her face, she pleaded, begged him to let her go.

“Shut the fuck up!” he roared, shoving her down on the floor next to us. The young woman scooted back until her back hit the wall.

Leaving once more, we all turned to the young girl.

“Are you okay?” Hope asked, sitting closest to her.

The young girl shook her head. “No. I want to go home.”

“Honey, we all do,” Kali winced, licking her lip. “Kansas is going to blow a fucking fuse when he sees my face.”

“My name is Hope, and that’s Joan and Kali.”

“I’m Abigail,” the young girl whispered. “I don’t know why he’s acting like this. I tried to tell him I wasn’t attracted to him, but he wouldn’t listen. It was only one date.”

“You went out on a date with Keys?” Kali asked.