“Yeah, you did, and if you kiss me again, I will beat your ass.”
“Look,Kansas, I can’t tell you how to run your club, but I can tell you that you guys need to change your way of thinking. Men like Keys aren’t going to go away. This club needs to realize that just because a brother is gay, doesn’t make them any less. Who the fuck cares where they stick their dick? As long as you all know they have your back when the time comes, it shouldn’t matter.”
“You’re right, Shadow,” Kansas said, as Whisper and Widow rushed into the room. “She’s gone. Bongo said she never showed for her shift today.”
Monk wasted no time reaching for his phone, calling his sister.
I fucking knew she wouldn’t pick up.
Looking at Sypher, I ordered, “Track her phone, Sypher.”
“Already on it, Mr. Shadow,” Sypher said, typing furiously into his computer.
“Where does she live, Monk?” Kansas asked, getting to his feet.
“22 F Street,” Sypher said before Monk could, then added, “Her phone’s turned off. Checking street cams now.”
Looking at the Diamondback brothers, I asked, “Where could he have taken her?”
None of them said a word.
“You guys are supposed to be his brothers!” I shouted. “What do you fucking know about him?”
“Apparently not a damn thing,” Slaughter stated, standing. “Come on,Digger, let’s ride. Sypher, send Abigail’s and Keys’ pics to our phones.”
“Pence, get the boys ready to ride, then put the women and kids in the safe room. I want everyone packing. Keys is unstable. Until we subdue him, he’s dangerous. I’m not taking any chances.”
Pence left as Sypher said, “He picked her up early this morning. Traffic cam shows her going willingly with him.”
“What direction were they headed?” Kansas asked, checking his guns.
“Towards downtown on Gore.”
“Fuck, Kansas. They could be anywhere!” Monk shouted. “I need to call my handlers and let them know Keys took Abigail.”
“No,” I said, shaking my head. “You said it yourself. If you tell them, they will put two and two together and know you told the club everything.”
“I don’t give a shit!” Monk roared. “That crazy fuck has my sister!”
“And we will get her back,” Ghost said firmly. “She’s ours too, Monk. Once Golden, always Golden.”
“Kali, Hope and Joan are gone,” Pence said, rushing back into the room. “Apparently, Joan got a call from Detective Harris. Someone broke into her apartment again and tore the place to hell. I called Harris. He said prints came back. It was Keys. He has the LPD out looking for him.”
Reaching for my phone, I noticed Ghost and Kansas doing the same. Dialing Joan’s number, my heart was beat furiously in my chest when it went straight to voicemail. “Joan’s not answering.”
“Neither is Hope,” my brother added.
Kansas growled.
“Give me a minute,” he said, typing something into his phone. “Fucking never thought I’d have to use this. Fuck.”
“What are you talking about?” I asked.
“Every Stone woman has a tracker embedded in their shoulder. It’s a Soulless Sinner thing. Motherfucker! Kali’s at the High School!”
“Odds are he has the rest of them too,” Ghost stated, reaching for his guns.
Doing the same, I growled, “Sypher.”