Page 48 of Shadow

“About as well as you, I suspect. Why am I still here, Kansas? Get to the point.”

Kansas got up from where he was sitting and walked over to a side table. Opening the bottom cabinet, he removed a box and placed it in front of me. “That arrived yesterday. Had Kali order it for me.”

Removing the lid off the box, I sat back, staring at the contents.

“Full disclosure,” Kansas said, sitting back down. “I’ve been talking with your brother daily. He calls to check on you. He’s worried about you.”

“He has his own problems to worry about.” I muttered, unable to look away from the box.

“I agree. That’s why I told him I would keep an eye out on you.”

My head snapped to his.

“Not an errant child.”

“Never said you were. Look man, the past isn’t something you can escape. You can’t make it go away. I know. I’ve tried it myself. What you can do is accept the things you cannot change and find the courage to change the things you can. You are still alive for a reason, Zeke. Only you can find out why.”

I knew he was right. Hated to admit it, but it was the truth.

“What if I can’t do it?”

Kansas grinned. “Then I guess you and I will have that date in the ring.”

I chuckled. “You and everyone else, you mean?”

Kansas nodded. “Gotta say, brother, it’s not gonna be easy. That’s for damn sure, but I know if anyone can do it, it will be you.”

Looking back at the box, I pointed at it. “Not sure I’m ready for that yet.”

“Take your time. I’m not rushing you.”

Sliding the chair back, I stood. “I need to get home.”

Kansas followed suit and nodded as he walked me to the front door, leaving the box open on the table.

I had just walked into the house when Hope confronted me in a tizzy. “The kitchen is my domain, right, Zeke?”

“Sure,” I said, slowly closing the front door, wondering where in the hell she was going with this. I never knew with my sisters. It was like a crapshoot with them. Could be anything.

Using caution was a must with a question like that.

“I do all the cooking.”

“And you do a great job, sis,” I boldly lied, as if my life depended on it.

“Don’t lie to her!” Charity shouted from the kitchen.

Fucking brat! I was going to whip her ass.

Was she trying to get me killed?

“You shut up!” Hope yelled back.

“It tasted like shit!”

Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath.

This I was used to.