I barely get the words out when he surprises the hell out of me by kissing me. It takes my brain a second to register that Chris is kissing me. Oh my Goddess, Chris is kissing me! And who knew this angel was one hell of a kisser? It’s all over in an instant, but the exotic taste of something sweet, honey-like, sits on my tongue. And it ain’t the honey barbecue sauce from the burger.
We stand rooted in place, staring at each other. He shakes his head, as if he can’t believe that just happened either. Spinning on his heel, he leaves without so much as a word.
Shell-shocked, I get ready for bed. Looking at my flushed cheeks in the mirror, I touch my lips. What. The. Hell.
Crawling into bed, I turn out the light, but can’t silence my mind. Tossing and turning for hours, I eventually give up. I flip on the lamp and grab Mama’s book of shadows. Now’s as good a time as any to translate more spells written in the witch alphabet.
Grabbing a pen, notebook, and my guide chart, I begin the tedious job. My heart’s racing as I finish the first translation:
Use this heartbreak spell to cause a person to fall out of love with someone. Be careful, it’s extremely powerful. Mix in a jar and keep sealed.
The list of ingredients is lengthy and includes weird things like the hair of a black cat. Oh, and dog poop.
Write the names of the couple and tear them apart and smear both pieces of paper with dog shit. Fresh shit is best. Place in the jar with the herbs and seal. Shake three times and chant:
Torn asunder your love is gone.
So it be, by the dawn.
Feelings gone and erased.
Nothing left but a bitter taste.
If you change your mind, pour the mixture into a bowl and add a pinch of baking soda and salt. Stir counterclockwise three times and chant:
The spell is broken, the rift sealed.
The relationship mended and healed.
This works better if you’re gazing into your beloved’s eyes while performing the reversal. Bury the mixture, preferably away from fruit trees. This reversal works during any phase of the moon.
My heart flutters back to life. Did someone work a breakup spell on me and Damion? Brenda’s gris-gris bag and all that protection magic must have protected me, but not him. Unless there is no spell and Damion just doesn’t want to be with me? Only one way to find out.
Turning pages frantically until I find the truth spell in Mama’s book of shadows, I modify it for my situation. Sneaking quietly downstairs, I grab my supplies and hurry back to my room.
Casting a circle on my bedroom floor, I sit in meditation and hold the blue lapis lazuli crystal to my throat chakra as I envision it glowing with power, chanting my spell:
Show me the truth in twenty-four hours.
By the light of the lapis lazuli stone’s powers.
Tell me who worked the breakup hex.
That made Damion my ex.
I place the stone under my pillow and will myself to drift off to sleep.
Waking the next morning with a start, I frantically grab my notebook, writing the name that’s on the tip of my tongue—Bettina.
Chapter 25
“Alright everyone, here’s the plan,” I announce.
“This is so exciting, it’s just like Mission Impossible,” Azrael gushes. So that explains his ensemble of black fatigue pants, a black T-shirt, and black leather gloves. “My first Mystery Gang mission. Are you planning on lowering me down on a cable? Because you know I could save us the prep work and just levitate.”
Gabe grimaces like he’s in pain. “What’s your boyfriend’s problem?” I ask Charlotte.
Charlotte points to him. “Don’t you start about how we have the wrong name.”