“Facts never get you anywhere with this group,” Gabe explains to Azrael.
I clear my throat. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, nor have I seen the movie, but let’s focus. The plan. We materialize to Natchez. Gabe and Charlotte, you two will take the ghost tour, ensuring Bettina is occupied elsewhere.”
“On it,” Charlotte says.
“Azrael, you and I will break into Bettina’s apartment. Sonia has already done the recon. The apartment is warded against spirits and demons, but she thinks a human and an angel should be able to get in no problem.” I called in a favor with the she-demon; she surprised me by offering to help before I could even ask. “There’s no sign of a security system, but when Damion and I were there, Bettina had a familiar.” I turn to Azrael. “Can you handle the cat?”
“Darlin’, just call me the cat whisperer. No problemo.”
“Good. So we get in and grab the spelled jar, leave the decoy jar in its place, and get out.” I’ve put most of the ingredients from Mama’s spell into a mason jar. I even found dog poop that some rude dog owner failed to pick up right in front of the shop. I can’t be too mad since I needed it for the jar, but still rude. “We’ll materialize back here, and Gabe, you’ll draw the demon trap, and I’ll summon Damion. Once he’s in the trap, I’ll perform the spell reversal while looking into his eyes, and bury the mixture outside. So that’s the plan,” I say, my adrenaline already pumping.
Gabe whistles. “This better work, else Damion is going to be one pissed-off demon.”
“It will work.” It has to work. “And you’re here as a friend, not as a lawyer.” I point to Gabe, still not over the sticker shock of his legal bill for helping Damion and me during the possession.
Gabe smiles deviously. “Oh, I’m sending Damion a bill for his bullshit.”
“That I’m okay with.”
“Question.” Azrael raises his hand. “When do I get a Mystery Gang T-shirt?”
“Our group doesn’t currently have official merch, but if we pull this off, I’ll get right on it, I promise.” Elvis strolls over and pretends he’s not interested. “Elvis, do you want to add anything?”
“He wants to go with us.”
I give Azrael a look, arching my eyebrow. “You speak grumpy cat?”
“Cat whisperer, remember?”
“Sorry, Elvis. Grandma would skin my hide if I let anything happen to you. Alright everyone, let’s do this.” I hand Charlotte a printout confirmation. “The tour starts at eight and I’ve already bought your tickets online.” I had to get all clandestine and use a prepaid credit card so my name wouldn’t attach to the purchase and tip Bettina off. “You’re Velma and Javier.”
“Javier?” Charlotte asks. “Where did you pull that one from?”
Gabe smiles at her and begins crooning something in Spanish.
“A little role-playing later this evening.” Azrael translates for me.
“Look, let’s focus on this game, and then what game everyone plays in the privacy of their own bedroom is their business,” I say.
“Darlin’, relax. We got this. Mystery Gang, all hands in,” Azrael says, extending his arm. We all just look at him. “I wanted everyone to put their hands on top of each other and then raise them up in a triumphant cheer, but never mind. The wind’s been taken out my dramatic sails. Yet again.”
“How about an exuberant round of high fives after we’re finished?” I suggest.
“I suppose that would work,” he concedes.
“Ready for Air Angel when you are,” I remind him.
“This is your captain speaking. Flight number 777 nonstop to Natchez, Mississippi, ready for takeoff,” Azrael says in his dramatic pilot voice. He takes Charlotte’s and my hands, and now we’re standing in Natchez behind tree coverage in a small city park.
“Have fun on the ghost tour,” I tell Velma and Javier after I take a moment to regain my equilibrium.
Spotting a park bench, we have a seat. “I can’t stand the suspense,” Azrael says as he squirms beside me. “What do you think’s happening?”
“They haven’t made it to the tour.”
“How do you know? Premonition?”
“I can see them walking.” I point down the hill.