Page 84 of Obsession

I turn off the heat and cover the brew. After seven minutes, I strain the mixture into a large glass bowl. Dropping the broken pieces of necklace into the bowl, I stir again seven times clockwise and then seven times counterclockwise, repeating my chant. Fascination is another name for mind control, hence those nasty unbidden thoughts about Bettina. As soon as the necklace hits the water, it begins to hiss and steam something awful.

Turning, I nearly run into a brick wall known as Chris Sullivan. “Don’t do that!” I cry, placing my hand on my thudding heart. B.B.’s already long gone, not that I blame her. I point to the necklace and fill him in on Lucy’s little gift. “She’s made a move, and now we make our move.”

“I’m going to take a look at her farm before we do anything.”

“Liking the ‘we’ and not ‘me.’ Look at us working together as a team.”

He shakes his head, walking out.

I discard my spell remnants and have to stifle a scream when I turn around and Chris is now looming there. “Seriously, stop it!”

“No sign of Augustus. Set up a meeting with Lucy at her house. Don’t tell her I’m coming with you.”

I text Lucy as instructed, asking for an invite, telling her I’m interested in joining the coven. She quickly takes the bait, inviting me over for dinner tomorrow night.

“It’s a date,” I tell Chris and then immediately regret my choice of words. “Tomorrow evening at six.”

He gives me a hard look and nods, walking out.

“Still need to work on your people skills!” I call after him.

The next morning, B.B. snuggles in my lap as I work on the puzzle. I’ve finished putting together the Devil, and now I move on to the Hanged Man. I think back to the Hanged Man reversed in my three-card spread…expect a delay in the outcome. Well, there’s been more than enough delay, and so tonight, I’m ready to confront Lucy, especially after that little necklace stunt.

Aunt Callie joins us in the kitchen, turning her blender on turbo speed; I have to cover my ears, it’s that obnoxious. B.B. hops down and runs to my room. “Watermelon smoothie,” she says, handing me a glass a few minutes later.

I take a tentative sip. “This is actually pretty good.”

“Watermelon is very alkalizing. You should really add more alkalizing foods to your diet,” she says with an assessing look.

I don’t even know what that means, so I give a noncommittal grunt. Aunt Callie always looks radiant, but I highly suspect “alkalizing” is a code word for kale. Hard pass on kale.

Opening the shop, the day moves as slow as molasses. I take a midday break and catch a yoga class, just to get out of my own head.

Finally, the day winds down and in swaggers Chris. He’s wearing his signature look of a bland gray suit and nondescript tie, and yet still manages to make it sexy. “Ready for this, partner?” I ask in a peppy voice.

“Let’s go,” he replies gruffly. I reach for his hand, but he shakes his head. “We’re driving.”

“Why?” I ask.

“Transportation for you in case of unforeseen circumstances.”

“Alright, let’s go,” I say, walking to the door.

Damion appears, and I jump like a skittish cat. “All you supernaturals need to wear a bell,” I complain, holding my hand to my heart.

“Choirboy, what the hell are you doing here?” Damion demands.

Chris glares at me. “I thought I told you this was angelic business.”

“Technically it’s witch business.” I turn to Damion. “We’re going to see Lucy.”

“I’m coming with you,” Damion says matter-of-factly.

“Wrong,” Chris counters, crossing his arms. “This doesn’t concern you, Cambion.”

“If it concerns Aubry, then it concerns me, Choirboy.” Damion's eyes glow and Chris’s skin shimmers.

“If you two want to arm wrestle, or perform whatever feats of strength you supernaturals do, be my guest. I’m gonna get going.”