Unlocking the apartment door, I scoop my cat up in my arms. “B.B., is playing by the rules such a bad thing?”
She meows, but I can’t interpret. I need to become fluent in cat-speak. Maybe I should take lessons from Azrael. The fact that I’m halfway serious shows just how weird my life has become.
Chapter 34
“Morning.” I shuffle into the kitchen like a zombie. The lack of quality sleep is starting to catch up to me.
“Morning, sweetie. Want to go to yoga with me?”
“No, thanks. I’m too tired.”
“Sounds like it’s detox time.”
“Then you need your hearing checked,” I say, pouring myself a cup of coffee Grandma must have made earlier.
“That’s a quick fix.” Aunt Callie eyes my coffee cup, judging me.
I smile and take a sip. “That’s the point."
“A package got delivered last night,” she says, pointing to the small box on the island.
I grab a pair of scissors from the junk drawer and open a box that’s addressed to me. Inside is a beautiful pendant necklace with a note.
Found this the other day cleaning out my closet.
It belonged to Cora, and I thought you would want it.
~ Lucy
“What stone is this?” I ask my aunt, holding up the peacock-colored gemstone necklace.
“Ohhh, that’s a labradorite. Beautiful.” She lovingly touches the crystal. “Labradorite is the stone of magic. A powerful stone to help with spiritual awakening, intuition, and psychic abilities. An excellent choice for you.”
“Thank you. I’m going to get ready for work.”
“Let me know if you change your mind about a detox,” she calls after me.
Taking a quick shower, I dry my hair and choose a green chiffon sleeveless blouse and skinny jeans. I fasten the necklace around my neck and smile. It pairs well with my outfit. Yep, I’m a girlie girl witch, so what?
Downstairs, I busy myself with paperwork, and by midday, I’m feeling absolutely exhausted. The weeks of poor sleep are really catching up to me. “Maybe I should go on a detox with my aunt,” I tell B.B., who’s seated under my chair. “No, don’t let me. That’s the sleep deprivation talking.”
Turning off my computer in my office, I stand, stretching. For some reason, I haven’t been able to get Bettina off my mind all day. “B.B., why on earth did I agree to even think about lifting Mama’s curse? That bitch Bettina deserves every terrible thing that comes her way. Maybe I could add to the curse—reinforce it somehow.”
I walk to the break room and make some coffee, then have a seat. B.B. hops up in my lap and paws my necklace. “It’s pretty, isn’t it? It belonged to my mama.” B.B. takes her paw and swats at it, her claws getting stuck. “B.B.! No!” I cry as she jerks her paw back and the necklace breaks apart, the beautiful stone falling to the ground. Immediately, I feel like a weight has been lifted. “Dang it! That witch Lucy sent me a necklace laced with some kind of dark magic!” Those thoughts about Bettina weren’t my own, and now that the necklace is off, my energy’s improved. “Thank you.” I nuzzle my cat.
Grabbing my phone, I call Chris, but it goes to his voicemail. I hang up and text him.
Me: I’m going to see Lucy with or without you.
Marching upstairs, I grab my book of shadows and return to the break room, B.B. hot on my heels. I find a spell I attempted on the incantation bowl to free the demon Phenex. It didn’t work for that situation, but I know it will work here. I add hyssop to a pot of boiling water, stirring clockwise and then counterclockwise seven times, chanting:
From this hyssop dark magic goes.
The fascination no longer flows.
This necklace be purified.
All traces of magic no longer abide.