“Thank you.”

“…for what?”

Tessa could hear the smile in Risna’s voice when she answered, “For confirming you are the one we were looking for.”

They both lunged for her, and Tessa screamed. She lurched backwards, her feet landing in the icy waters of the Wynfell River at the same time thunder cracked and streaks of lightning illuminated the night.

Illuminated the two figures dropping from the sky.

One had dark-leathery wings. The wings of a dragon.

The other had wings of nothing but shadows that dissipated into the night the moment his feet hit the ground.

Luka and Theon were here, and she wasn’t sure if she should fear them more or the two who were trying to take her.

Theon stepped forward. Even in the night, Tessa could see the darkness floating around him.

Floating around her.

Like a shield, the shadows clung to her.

“Who sent you after her?” Theon demanded, his voice nothing but the icy promise of death.

“You know we cannot tell you, Heir of Endings,” Risna replied, two daggers in her palms. “So just kill us and be done with it.”

“Daughter of Night, you of all people know there are so many things worse than death,” Theon said.

“We had no choice,” the second female supplied. “Surely you know this as much as I know you will not let us go free.”

“What is your name?” Theon demanded.

“Does it matter? History will not remember me.”

“Who else is with you?”

“No one. Only us,” Risna cut in.

“Lies,” Theon snarled, his darkness surging around her.

The female let out an agonized scream, dropping to her knees. Her hands clawed at her arms, her chest, her face.

“She tells the truth,” Tessa cried, the female’s screams filling the night. “It is only them.”

Theon whirled on her, his shadows tugging her forward out of the water and onto the riverbank. “Do not say one more word,” he spat, his darkness yanking her hands behind her back and binding them there.

But Luka had stepped forward, black flames appearing in his palm, and the second female was suddenly begging, pleading. “Two!” she cried. “There are two others likely already halfway back to report what they’ve seen.”

Luka was in the sky before she finished speaking, flying low over the tops of the trees, and Theon was stalking forward. The second female tried to run, but his shadows wrapped around her, dragging her back to him. Tessa had no idea where he got the dagger. Perhaps he used the female’s own, but that was a blade slicing across her throat. That was blood spraying in the moonlight. That was Theon bringing the blade down into her chest, directly into her heart.

Tessa was too shocked to do anything but stare at him as he tossed the female aside. Literally tossed her still bleeding body onto the riverbank. He couldn’t just…leave her there, could he?

Risna was still writhing on the ground, screams still pouring from her as Theon approached. He held another dagger, and Tessa again wondered where the fuck he was getting all these godsdamn blades. Pulling his darkness back, he crouched beside the female and growled, “Tessa, come here.”

But she was still staring at him in disbelief. She couldn’t comprehend his demand, even if she wanted to.

“Tessalyn, come here,” he said again, the entrancing forcing her feet to move, but her entire body was trembling as she lowered to her knees beside him, her wrists still bound. Risna was whimpering, and she could see rips in her sleeves, along the body of her tunic, even her pants. Streaks glimmered in the moonlight against the dark fabric. Blood. His darkness had done that?

“Do you know what she is?” Theon demanded.