She stumbled down the marble steps as she gulped down the night air. Her hairline was damp with sweat, and her entire body was trembling from sitting for an hour, still and unable to move. When Mother Cordelia had finally given her permission to leave, she’d all but bolted from the room. She would likely be punished for such an action at her next private session with her.

There hadn’t been a sentinel waiting for her outside the room like she’d anticipated. Maybe she should have waited for one, but she couldn’t stay inside one second longer. She felt like she’d just run for an hour with Theon, and her chest wouldn’t expand enough to take in the air she was trying to draw in.


She needed Dex. He was the only one who could help her through this. He was right. She wasn’t strong enough for this. Not by herself.

But there was no one. Only her and the night that had fallen, blanketing the world in darkness.

And there wasn’t enough air even out here.

And she couldn’t just stand here.

Kicking off her heels, she started walking down the sidewalk. She couldn’t think about anything but getting out of the towering buildings that trapped her. And then she wasn’t walking, but running through the streets. She had no idea where she was going. No one called out to stop her. Fae were free to move about here, and few would immediately recognize her as the Arius Source right now. Soon that would all change. So much had already changed, and yet she was the same. Still being shoved into nothingness. Still being trapped in a study with the Estate Mother. Still being a hassle. Still somehow creating chaos she couldn’t handle herself.

She ran and ran, briefly thinking she could probably outrun Theon right now. Never once did it register how much trouble she was going to be in because all she could think about was open spaces and fresh air not tainted with expectations and demands.

It wasn’t until she was dropping to her knees on the banks of the Wynfell River that she realized just how far she’d run.

It wasn’t until then that she felt like she could breathe.

There was a scattering of trees around her, and she found herself on her back, staring up at the sky. The stars stared back, glittering and uncaring of a world the gods forgot.

The river ran through the Acropolis, but she had to be a good mile or two outside the outer walls. She wasn’t entirely sure how she’d evaded any patrolling sentinels, but she didn’t know how she evaded the wards either. She didn’t know how long she had, but Theon would find her. He always did. He’d drag her back to the townhouse and rain down his consequences. She’d slip into the role he demanded of her until she fucked up again. If anything, it was a familiar cycle, and at this point, she’d accept any semblance of routine in her life, even if she suffered every time. Was it even worth it to keep trying?

The bond inside her was silent for once, and she sucked in another deep breath, the air shifting and a breeze cooling her skin. The only sound was the river for several long minutes until a low whining had her sitting up, her gaze connecting with eyes of glowing orange. She swallowed her scream as she scrambled to her feet. But that low whine came again as a large silvery-grey wolf took a few steps from the trees.

Was it…hurt?

She had never seen wolves in the forest around the Celeste Estate, and Tessa hadn’t known there were wolves around the Acropolis. This wolf was as big as Theon’s were with those same glowing eyes. Something had its ear perking, and the wolf’s nose went to the sky. With a parting look, it darted back into the trees, but before Tessa could contemplate the absurdity of that entire scene, a female voice sounded.

“A Source all by herself? What will the Legacy say?”

Tessa spun to find a female dressed entirely in black from head-to-toe. She even had a hood up, concealing her features.

“Are we sure this is her?” came another female voice that had Tessa spinning around once more. This one was dressed the same, prowling towards her with purpose. Black gloves. Black boots. And was that…a dagger in her hand?

Tessa took a step back, her heels forgotten somewhere on the ground. The two females had her trapped between them and the river.

“Looks like her,” the first said with a shrug.

“We’ve never seen her before,” drawled the second.

“Exactly,” said the first. “But if you’re unsure, I could taste her first. Surely her blood would be divine.”

“Do you wish for death, Risna?”

“It would certainly add some excitement to our lives.”

Tessa wasn’t sure what to do as she watched the two exchange words. It wasn’t as if she could run. These two were clearly skilled in stealth. Not even the wolf had heard them until the last minute.

“Let’s grab her and take her back. Even if it’s not her, we’ll be rewarded for collecting a Fae outside the boundaries,” the second one said.

“No, wait!” Tessa stammered. “You can’t touch me.”

“And why is that?” the one called Risna asked, and even with her hood up, Tessa could tell she’d tilted her head in curiosity.

“Because I am the Source of the Arius Heir.”