I nod. “I’m okay,” I assure him.
“Get your fucking hands off her,” Andrew growls. “Do it,” he shouts.
“Abel, how could you?” Maggie whispers, her eyes filled with tears. “We trusted you with her, and this is how you repay us?”
“What we’re doing isn’t wrong or dirty. We’re not blood related, and we’re both adults,” I say, thankfully my voice is calm, a lot calmer than I actually feel. “I came back because I thought it would be good to talk, but I guess now isn’t the right time.”
“You’re not leaving,” Andrew snaps. “Not with that fucker.”
“I’m an adult,” I reply softly. “I can do as I like. Right now, I don’t feel safe in this house, so I’m leaving.”
Abel’s hands on my waist tighten, and I know he’s restraining himself from launching at his brother, something I don’t want to happen. I hate that we’re arguing, but it was bound to happen, especially when they found out about Abel and me.
“I’ll be back soon,” I promise Maggie. Hopefully when I do, they’ll have both calmed down. “I promise I’ll answer your calls.” Something I hadn’t been doing when I was at the Silver resort. I needed to think and deal with my emotions without the anger, and that’s what I’ve done.
She nods, tears shining in her eyes. “Okay,” she says, and I know it’s time to leave.
“I just need to pack a few things,” I tell Abel.
“No,” Andrew growls. “No fucking way. You’re not leaving with him.”
“Go get your stuff,” Abel says low, and I don’t have to be told twice, I know I can do so without worry.
I hurriedly pack everything I think I’ll need for the next week or so, I already have my laptop and cell, I just pack clothes and other essentials. If I forget something, I can either come back or replace it. When I’m done, I return to the living room and see Able standing off against Andrew, the two of them having a very angry but hushed conversation, while they’re doing that, I move to Maggie.
“I’m sorry,” I tell her softly. “I never meant to hurt you. I love you,” I say honestly, not knowing when I’ll be able to do so again. “I needed time to process everything, I just needed space. But I need you to know I love you.”
Her eyes soften. “Never doubt it, honey, I love you so very much,” she replies. “We’re just upset, that’s understandable. But are you happy?”
I nod. “I am, he’s so sweet mom, he treats me like a princess, and he really cares.”
She gives me a sweet smile. “He’s very protective, I never expected that. Just be careful, okay? I don’t want you to get hurt.”
I tilt my head. “I love him, mom,” I whisper so only she can hear me.
She nods. “And he loves you honey, that man wants to kill your father for putting his hands on you. Something that I’ll be discussing with him later. He’ll look after you—” she pauses, and I know she’s thinking about when she’ll be gone. “Just give us time, we’re not angry at you. We’re just not happy with the situation. But never ever doubt my love for you.”
I nod, quickly pressing a kiss against her cheek and moving away. The anger I had at her has gone. I understand more now as to why she kept her illness a secret, but it still hurts. I just pray that she has time, that we’re not losing her. I don’t think I could bear that.
“Are you okay?” Abel asks once we’re in the car. “I can’t believe that fucker put his hands on you.”
“I’m fine, honestly, he was a little rough—”
“Rough?” he growls. “Baby girl, you’ve got that fucker’s finger marks on your wrist.”
“And your handprint on my ass,” I quip, hoping to change the subject.
As expected, Abel’s eyes flare with heat. “It’s good seeing my mark on you.”
I roll my eyes. He’s such an ass.
“You’re staying with me, and when you go back, it’ll be when I’m with you.” His tone brooks no arguments, and I get it, he’s worried.
“Okay,” I reply softly, knowing it’ll give him peace of mind.
“Good girl,” he replies, his tone growly, and it sends shivers along my spine, and I cross my legs as heat pools between them.
Goddamn him. He always knows how to turn me on.