Five months later
I stare down at the positive pregnancy test and wonder how the hell that happened. We’ve been careful. So damn careful. Abel wore condoms. Nausea runs through me, and I know I’m not going to be able to keep it down. I sprint toward the bathroom and make it just before I spew. By the time I’m finished, my body is spent, tears and snot falling, and I’m tired.
I need to make an appointment with the doctor and figure out how far along I am. I feel numb, unable to comprehend how this happened. I know I’m not ready for a child, but the thoughts of adoption and abortion make me want to cry. I’m keeping him or her. I’ve got some time to wrap my head around things and hopefully come to terms with it.
Oh God. What’s Abel going to say?
The past five months have been blissful where Abel and I are concerned. We’re both very much in love and happy. I couldn’t imagine my life without him, and I don’t want to. He’s become the most important person in my life, and he’s grown even more protective of me as the weeks have turned into months. Granny and Grandpa were unhappy at first, but they soon came around, and now they’re happy for us.
My parents on the other hand, aren’t. I spoke to mom yesterday, and I could hear my dad shouting in the background. He’s pissed—beyond so—he’s still very mad at both Abel and I. It’s something I understand, I’m not happy about it, but I understand it. He feels betrayed, although, Abel tells him to fuck off and shut the hell up and stop putting his shit onto us. Whatever the hell that means.
I climb into the shower, hoping the warm water will help shake off the numbness of the news I received today.
The phone in the house starts to ring, and I see the caller ID says it’s Andrew. Why is he calling the house and not my cell? Dread sets in, why is he calling? He hasn’t called me since I’ve been home, so why now? “Hello?” I answer, my voice hesitant.
“Alexis,” he breathes. “Your mom,” he says and my heart sinks. “You should come, she wants to see you.”
I don’t hesitate. “I’m coming,” I assure him. “I’ll be there soon.”
“Okay,” he replies, and the line goes dead.
I run around the house and get dressed, quickly grabbing my keys, my cell and running out the door. I don’t think about bringing anything else, I just want to get to mom while I have the chance. It takes me twenty minutes to get to the house, I’m pretty sure I ran a few red lights, but I don’t care.
I step into my parents bedroom, my heart beating a mile a minute, and I’m preparing myself for the worst. Mom’s lying on the bed, her eyes closed, and I can’t tell if she’s breathing or not. A sob makes its way up my throat, but I swallow it down. I can’t do this. I really can’t. It’s too much.
“You’re here,” he says, his eyes brimming with tears.
“Is she?” I ask, unable to bring myself to say the words.
He shakes his head. “No,” he breathes. “She’s close. I need to call my parents and talk with her,” he instructs.
I take a seat at the side of her bed and reach for her hand. It’s cold, but she’s breathing, it’s not heavy, but soft, barely there. I hope she’s not in pain. God, I hope she’s not.
“I’m sorry, Mom,” I whisper. “I wish things were different and that we were closer.” It’ll be my one regret, something I wish I could change. “Be at peace Mom, we’re all going to be okay,” I promise her. “Please watch down on us and your grandchild,” I whisper so Andrew can’t hear if he’s eavesdropping. “I love you. You’re free now, Mom. No more pain and no more suffering.”
I can’t stop the tears from falling as her hand goes limp in mine. Her breathing stutters to a stop, and I can’t hold back the pained cry that falls from my lips.
Andrew walks in and sees Maggie, and a wail spills from his lips. I’m not sure how long I sit here, sobbing at the loss of a woman I loved and cared for. Andrew left the room a while ago, I’m sure being with her was too painful.
“Do you need me to call anyone?” I ask as I leave the room.
“No,” he snarls at me, the anger is back in full force. “I don’t want anything from you.”
I sigh. I should have known he would be back to this again. “Okay, I’m going to go, if you need me, call me.”
The sinister grin on his face has me tensing. “What?” I ask.
“I’m done paying for your shit. Your car is gone, your cell is canceled. Goodbye, Alexis.”
I stare at him in horror. “You didn’t?”
“You aren’t getting a fucking dime from me any longer. The car was mine. It’s now gone. You were on my plan for your cell, it’s now canceled. Your card has been canceled, and your shit is in the yard. Get the fuck out of here,” he snarls.
On shaky legs, I move out of the house, angry and horrified he’s being so damn callous. I exit the house and see the rain is pouring from the heavens, my stuff is in the yard, thrown everywhere.