Just as he promised earlier, he makes love to me for the rest of the night. It’s different now. Before there was an urgency. Not just because we needed each other so badly—because I think we were afraid each time could be the last. Now we know we will get to make love for the rest of forever if we want.
Tomorrow the whole school might be talking about our affair. Tonight, all I care about is having the man I love inside me, telling me how much he loves me, how much he needs me, and how good we feel together. If it winds up being a scandal I can’t recover come, so be it.
For me? Worth it.
Chapter Twelve
Winning has always felt good but it never mattered to me much.
Being at a championship game is exciting, sure. All my teammates busted their ass to get here. It will be the last time some of us play together. The last time some of us might ever play again. Connor will make the draft, but this Hawk is staying right here in Harmony Hollow.
Glancing back at the stands, I feel my heart badda-ba-thump when I see my girl beaming down at me. In my jersey and jeans, she looks like another student. No one batted an eye when word got out that we are together. I am sure there were some whispers before we were public with it.
Can’t be hard to see how much I love her whenever I look at her.
Having her here today feels more important than any of the other games. It will be my last game. In a few weeks my final semester starts. English was a breeze after being tutored by Ms. Tingle, and I even aced biology. This last semester will ensure I can become a coaching assistant and maybe one day, a coach. It doesn’t have to be here, but I would sure like it to be.
“I could use both of you on my team,” Connor says as we sit at the bench, waiting for our turn on the field. Our defense is killing it out there now. Bran nods at our QB with a crooked grin.
“Maybe the two of you,” Bran shakes his head. “I would never survive the combine and we all know it.”
“You would be the best trainer on the staff,” I argue, shoving him. Bran is a damn good player but like me, it was never something he loved. It was just a way to have some fun and pay his way through college. He is a kinesiologist major and honestly one of the most talented in the class.
“I guess I could be,” he shoots back, laughing at himself. His eyes glance back at the stands, and I know he sees Paisley sitting with Hailee. His smile fades away and so does his good mood.
Hailee invited my girl to sit with her and Paisley. Their friendship with Kinsley is a huge stamp of approval here at Hollow Oaks. Hailee is a track star and one of the most well-liked women on campus. Her being Connor’s girl means her opinion holds that much more weight. Knowing she did it to shut up people who might give my girl a hard time over our relationship means a lot to me.
“Wherever we end up, we’re lucky to have this right now. Who gets to play a game with their best friends and be called champions?”
Connor laughs at me as we rush out on the field. Yeah, I am confident we’re going to win. How could I not be? My woman is here rooting for us. Hailee is here and he’s never lost a game with her in the stands. And even Paisley, Bran’s girl, has always been his lucky charm. We’re going to walk away from this game as champions.
Three quarters later, I am all smiles as they hoist our trophy up. The field floods with revelers from the crowd, but I am looking for just one. I cut through people, searching for my hot English professor. Finding her, I scoop her up, laughing as she squeals in shock.
“Kane! You did it baby!”
“I did it. We won. Tell me something, kitten.”
Setting her down, I take a shaky breath. I don’t have the ring on me, but I have one ready for her. I planned to do this whether we won or not. For all my plans though, I had no idea how to do it. Looking down at her, I know there is no right or wrong way to do it. I just need to ask the question.
“Tell you what, Kane?” She wonders, beaming up at me, looking so damn hot in my jersey with my name across the back. I am definitely fucking her in it after this.
“Would you care if we lost?” I know the answer of course.
“Why would I care? I love you,” she hums the words I will never tire of hearing. “I am so proud of you, Kane. Not because you won a football game or even because you aced finals. I am proud of you because you are a good man. You care about people, and you taught me what it felt like to be loved.”
“God, I love you,” I tell her, yanking her close as I bend my head to drift my lips over hers. “I love you so much kitten. I wanted to teach you I was good enough for you, but it was you who taught me that. Now tell me what I want to hear.... will you marry me, Kinsley? Will you be my wife?”
Kinsley’s big blue eyes go big before they fill with tears. Nodding, she grips the back of my neck, pushing up on her toes. “Yes. I will marry you. I love you so much, Kane!”
“Fuck, yes. I love you too Ms. Tingle. Can’t wait to call you Mrs. Hilton. My wife. God, I do I really get to have you for the rest of my life?”
As I sweep her up against me, she is laughing as she nods. Jesus, I really do get to have her forever. I get to love her through whatever comes next for us. Hopefully it's years of teaching for her and coaching for me. Or maybe I get her pregnant before I even graduate. I would be lucky to come home to her raising our little ones. I realize then the game, a championship none of it matters.
This, this is what winning feels like.