Page 27 of Teaching Ms. Tingle


One Year Later...

Being a teacher was all I ever wanted.

Until I knew I could want more. Before I met Kane, I never let myself dream big. I just wanted something to be proud of. To be someone I could be proud of. Iamproud of myself. Proud of the work I have done here. I can walk away from this classroom without regrets.

“Sure you want to do this Mrs. Hilton?” That familiar voice calls from his usual spot at the back of the room.

Glancing up at him, I smile big and bold. Yes, I want to do this. I am doing this. I don’t have to prove myself to anyone else. Not Dean Vickers, the teaching staff, or even my students. Not my parents who loved me but never seemed proud of any of my choices.

“Yes, Mr. Hilton, I am very sure. You sure you want to?”

Grinning down at me, he unfolds his huge body from the seat, taking the steps down to me slowly. God, I still think he is the most beautiful man I have ever seen. Tall and wide, his golden eyes lock on me in that way that drives me crazy. Thatlook thattells me he knows just what I am thinking.

Rounding the dais, he scoops me up by my waist, making me laugh. Setting me atop the cool stone top, he pushes my knees apart. His eyes flash with heat and I forget all about my worries. All about my doubts. Why would I have doubts when I am about to live the life of my dreams?

“I love you, Kinsley,” he hums, rough hands sliding up my thighs. “I am so proud of you. And yes, I am very sure I want to come home to you as my wife for the rest of my life. I will take care of you, Kinsley. Always.”

Bowing my head against his, my eyes flutter closed. Last year after he graduated, we had a scare. In the middle of a class, I knew something was wrong. I was talking English prose one moment and waking up in a hospital the next. My new husband was frantic and made them run every single test imaginable.

My heart was underperforming. What a weird word to use for a heart that to me felt stronger and lighter than it ever had. I was the happiest I had ever been, madly in love, killing it at my career, and living my best life. My battered little heart decided I was doing too much.

It meant I had a choice to make. Something had to go. It took me no time to decide what that would be. I wanted to be a teacher, and I had been. I taught hundreds of students here at Hollow Oaks. I had reached a lot more of them than some teachers do. I had made a difference.

Choosing between living a full life with Kane or risking it all to chase a dream I had already fulfilled was easy. I wanted a long life with my husband. I wanted to see him coach his teams to championships and watch his friends go to the NFL. I wanted to live the fullest life and that meant I couldn’t waste another moment on teaching.

“I love you, Kane,” I tell him as he presses his face against my neck.

“Love you so much, kitten. Before this is not your class anymore,” his voice dips low, his hands pulling my panties down. “I still have a fantasy to fulfill, wife.”

With my panties dangling off one leg, he bends, pushing my knees up. I moan as his head ducks beneath my skirt, his tongue licking my sex open. My fingers thread in his hair as he eats me, my moans loud in the empty room. I wouldn’t have cared if we were caught before we were married, I definitely wouldn’t care now that he is my husband, and I am no longer his professor.

“God, you taste good, kitten,” he murmurs against my pussy as he pushes me back, teeth scraping over my clit. “Sweeter each time I get my mouth on you. Such a good girl for me, lie back, I need to get my cock inside you before you stop being a teacher.”

“Kane,” I whimper as he looms over me, his zipper loud above my panting. “Will you let me play the student now? Fucking the hot football coach?”

“Fuck yes,” he moans, rubbing the swollen head of his shaft against my slit. “Would you get a cheerleader outfit, kitten? Let me fuck you in the locker rooms like a sorority slut?”

Laughing, I nod. My laugh becomes a moan as he slams inside of me, pushing my body up the cool marble of the dais. His hands grip my knees, pushing them wide open. He loves to watch his cock plunging into my pussy. Sometimes he puts us in front of a mirror so we can both watch. I cry out as his hand presses to my stomach, pinning me down as he fucks me hard.

“God, it's so good. My good girl is so tight around my cock. I want you round with my baby, Mrs. Hilton. I’m going to fuck a baby into before the football season starts. God, how cute would you be coming to the games with a little baby belly? Fuck, I love you. I love you, Kinsley.”

“I love you too, baby. I love you so much.”

Bending his big body over mine, he captures my lip in a searing kiss. His hand stays on my belly, and I wonder if he knows. He must. He knows every single curve of my body.

“Baby,” I pant as he bends to suckle at my breast. “Don’t stop, I’m...yes, God, Kane, don’t stop baby.”

Kane licks my nipple before he goes still. His entire body weighs mine down as he lifts just enough to look at me. Yeah. He knows, I can see it in his eyes. Still inside me, he presses both his hands to my stomach.

“You’re pregnant. Tell me you’re pregnant. Am I going to be a daddy?”

Nodding, tears slip down my temples as he starts to fuck me again. My entire body shakes with the force of his thrusts. Pulling me up, he lifts me with his powerful arms beneath my knees. His cock drives up into me, his beautiful eyes staring up at me.

“My good girl. Oh, baby. We’re going to have a little baby? Fuck, I love you. This is why you were so willing to leave? Because you want to be a momma? Fuck, I am going to be a daddy. You made me a daddy.”

Still nodding my head, I let my body fall against his as my orgasm rips through me. Once I was faced with the choice, it wasn’t hard. I would have stayed home barefoot and not pregnant if it meant I got more years with my husband. Knowing I was pregnant meant I had no choice to make. It could only be this way.