“Likewise.” With that, the woman turns and walks away down the path, and I continue on my way. This is one of my absolute favorite places to visit because it gives me a chance to get out of the house, clear my head, breathe some fresh air, and love on strangers' pets.

But today, even a walk isn't enough to make me understand my own line of thinking. Why did I put Troy off instead of just going? Is it some need to be in control of the situation or maybe put him in his place or try to be the one calling the shots? I have no doubt that it's something petty. I just don't understand why because that's not how I usually manage work relationships. Though it's disingenuous to call what I have with Troy a work relationship. And he is working hard to get under my skin and get in my pants, and at this point I'm just really hoping I have the strength of will to deny him for a little bit longer.

It's even harder to stick to my guns when I know that there's something up with what happened between him and Lyla. Obviously, I'm not going to betray my friend and sleep with her ex-husband no matter what happened, but I am curious what the whole truth is.

As I walk, I pass by a cute little dog with fluffy ears and a tail curving up over his back. His owner, a young man with an attitude, gives me an up and down look before making a kissy face in my direction. “Hey, baby, want to pet my dog?” The way he says the words and spreads his arms wide, thrusting his pelvis toward me slightly leaves no room for me to misinterpret his meaning.

“That tiny little thing?” I nod in his general direction before shaking my head. “No thanks.” Let him stew and wonder if I meant his dog or his dick.

He seems stunned and I keep walking, a slight smile tugging the corners of my lips. Sometimes I wonder if these gross pickup lines ever actually work on women, or if these guys just keep trying a failing move. I mean, it must work sometimes, otherwise, why would they keep trying?

As I walk, staring forward at the path and taking in all the greenery and beauty of the sunny day, I suddenly have a great idea for Troy’s office and pull my phone out to jot down some notes. I don't generally like to stare at my phone while I walk - it leaves me feeling somewhat vulnerable to be attentive of my surroundings - but I don’t want to lose this thought before recording the details.

“Hey, wait, I know you.” An unfamiliar man's voice interrupts my thoughts and I lower my phone, glad that I managed to get my idea out before being derailed. I study the newcomer; he’s a good-looking guy who towers over me.

He's dressed in a business casual kind of look with suit pants, dark shiny shoes, a button up shirt that's rolled up to the elbows, and there’s something haunting about his eyes. They’re that brilliant blue white that doesn't seem natural, especially paired with his dark hair and slightly tanned skin.

His powerful chin, jaw, and brow seem out of sorts with his full sensuous lips, and I have no doubt that this man is an absolute heart throb that probably has to beat the ladies off with a stick. That is, if they're not beating him off instead.

I offer him a polite smile. “I'm sorry, I don't think I know you.” I'm not one of the kind of people that pretends to know someone that claims they know me. I'd rather just be honest and avoid any awkwardness moving forward. I continue walking and he falls into step beside me, shoving his hands deep in his pockets and glancing down at me while we walk.

“I saw you at Club Red the other day. You were there with Blake, Rico, and...” He trails off, pulling a hand out of his pocket to snap his fingers several times, as if that'll help him remember Troy’s name. “Troy! That's it.” His face lights up as he remembers, and there’s something incredibly charming about the way he talks and how animated he is in conversation.

“I doubt I was there for the same reason you were.” I keep my tone lighthearted because I'm not judging his reasons for being there. I just worry he might have misunderstood my presence and have a different view of who I am and what I'm into than is actually true.

“That's an interesting way of saying you weren't there because you have a specific set of proclivities. Why were you there? I'm intrigued.” He shoves his hand back in his pocket and I can feel him focusing on me as if he's actually interested in the answer I'm about to give, even though I don’t think it’s the answer he’s hoping for.

“I was actually there for work.”

He arches an eyebrow at me, and I realize how that might have sounded and quickly correct myself. With a soft laugh, I say, “Wow, that came out wrong. I'm an interior designer. I had a client who wanted something reminiscent of Club Red, and they needed to take me there to see what the place looks like so I can get an idea and feel for the ambiance to give them the redesign they're looking for.” I nod my head at the end of my words, and he lets out a rich, deep chuckle.

“I have to say, that is not what I thought you meant at first.” He ducks his head in closer and speaks in a low voice. “Honestly, your explanation is more interesting than I expected.”

“I don't know if that's an insult or compliment, but you should probably watch what you say next.” I gesture at the ground. “And maybe watch your step.”

With another chuckle, he steps around the pile in the middle of the walkway, his attention never leaving me somehow. “And you have a sense of humor. That's a dangerous combination.”

I know flirting when I see it, but for some reason, I like this guy’s suave style. There's something so very charming about him, but I have to admit, he's not the kind of guy I'm looking for. No, I want the man who speaks openly and honestly about not being charming. I know what Troy's intentions are - he’s open, up front, and honest about what he wants. This guy... not so much.

“Do you always just walk up and start flirting with random girls?”

He seems to cringe a little bit at my words. “You are most certainly not a girl, but a full-grown woman, and I prefer that.”

The slight correction manages to rub me right and wrong all at once. “No need to be politically correct. We're just two people having a conversation. I do appreciate that you have a mature stance on that though.”

He offers a playboy smile as the sunshine highlights the blue tones in his black hair. “That is fair. It's a bit heavy of a topic for our first conversation. What do you say we grab a meal and have a second conversation that's a bit more in depth?”

He's so smooth it takes half a second for it to register that he just asked me on a date. “You seem like a really nice guy, but I don't think you're my type.”

He inhales a deep breath through his teeth as if the rejection stings. “Well, I appreciate you being completely upfront and honest so that I don't have to spend the next three weeks wondering what I did or said wrong.” He stops and turns to face me, offering his hand. I stop and mirror his motions, accepting his offer to shake, liking him in spite of myself.

Again, he flashes that smile that probably makes the panties drop, but not mine. “My name's Konan Dark. It's a pleasure to meet you.”

“Everly Paige and likewise.” Honestly, if I wasn't jonesing after Troy, there's a chance that I'd give this guy the date he’s asking for.

“Have a lovely walk, Miss Paige.” With that, he saunters off, strolling along as he starts to whistle a familiar song... one I like.

“You too, Mr. Dark.” I say the words under my breath, well aware that he's already too far away to hear me. As I turn to start walking again, I catch sight of someone out of the corner of my eye and fear fills my chest.