My phone rings and I pull it out of my pocket and answer, feeling a bit of relief as I search for the person I thought I saw. They're nowhere in sight, and I can't help but wonder if maybe I'm going crazy. I just saw James at this park, watching me. My mind must be playing tricks on me.
“Hi, Everly, I just wanted to confirm our meeting tomorrow.” Troy’s somewhat uptight voice makes me smile.
“Since when are we on such formal terms, Troy?” As I lightheartedly joke with the man that I have no right to flirt with, my heart continues to pound a little too hard in my chest, and I can’t help but worry that the man I thought I saw was actually my ex.
There's no way he'd stalk me, right? He's not that kind of crazy.
“You seemed dead set on making sure that it was a business meeting. I just wanted you to know that I'm taking that seriously.” There's an amused note in his voice, and I can't help but smile even as I scan my surroundings, worried.
“It is a business meeting, and I’m glad you take my work seriously. I’ll be there tomorrow around noon, if that works for you.” I’m walking a little bit faster, making my way back toward my apartment as if I can outrun my past.
“Excellent. I look forward to seeing you then.” Troy sounds like he's ready to hang up the phone, and I'm quick to speak up.
“Wait, will you stay on the line until I get home?” As soon as I say the words I feel silly, but I know it's better to be safe than sorry.
Troy’s tone instantly changes. “Of course. Are you safe? If not, laugh like I just told you a joke.”
“I'm pretty sure it’s nothing, but in case-”
“You don't have to say anything else. Stay on the line as long as you'd like. I'm right here. I can also come to you if you need me.”
As he says the words, warmth blossoms in my belly. “I'm only a few minutes out. Thank you for doing this.”
“It's not a problem at all.” Again, that dark, rich, thick tone of his voice sends a shiver down my spine.
“Hey, do you know someone named Konan from Club Red?” I can't get that strange meeting out of my mind and wonder if it meant more than I thought it did. In reality, what are the odds that I'd bump into someone from Club Red out here in a dog park, also not walking a dog? I mean, I know I'm the weird person that walks through a dog park just so I can pet strangers’ dogs because I'm not allowed to have any of my own, but what's his excuse?
Troy's tone instantly becomes guarded, and I wonder what their history is. “I know him, but only in passing. Any particular reason you’re asking?”
I nod my head as I keep walking on the sidewalk, scanning, looking for my ex. I reach the other end of the park and let myself out through the gate as I answer Troy. “Yeah, I just bumped into him. He's not the reason I'm nervous. I just thought it was kind of strange.” I let out a short laugh. “He asked me out for some reason. You ever get the feeling the universe is playing a joke on you?”
“Unfortunately, yes.”
As he answers, I hurry into the lobby of my apartment building, well aware the doorman knows not to let my ex in for any reason, under any circumstances. He nods at me, and I smile in his direction.
“Okay, I made it home safe. Thank you for staying on the line. I know it was a weird request.” I glance out the windows of the lobby, scanning one more time for my ex, but I don't see him amongst the people going about their daily lives.
“Any time. It's not a weird request, I'm just happy you're safe.” Once again, his words send a shiver down my spine as I walk toward the steps to make my way up to my apartment.
“I'll see you tomorrow, Troy,” I say with a smile, feeling an odd fluttery feeling in my belly. Surely it doesn't mean anything. I'm just relieved to have made it home safe.
At least that's what I tell myself until he says, “I can't wait,” and leaves me feeling warm, tingly, and excited as a hum begins low in my core.
What the heck is wrong with me?
Chapter Eight
I haven't been able to stop thinking about our conversation last night.
Not only had Konan asked her on a date, but she had been frightened by someone while she was out and about.
While I believe her when she says Konan wasn't the one who frightened her, I do have to wonder who managed to get under her skin and make her so nervous that she was willing to be vulnerable with me for a little while. Vulnerable enough to admit her fear - even if she laughed it off - and ask me to stay on the line until she safely made it home.
That tells me she has a reason to believe someone out there wants to make sure she doesn't get home safe. I'm just thanking my lucky stars that I happened to be the one talking to her when she was walking home instead of Konan.