Page 78 of Knot Their Reality

As soon as he's clear, I drop onto one of the couches. "I didn't see that coming."

"Neither did we." Tessa sits beside me, pulling Bree onto her other side before pulling us to her. "There's nothing we could have done to prevent this. It isn't our fault. We'll make sure that he gets the help he needs, and that's the best we can do. We can't take on the world's problems."

I laugh as I glance at Bree. "You do that too?"

"Does she ever, but I'm not much better. Bleeding hearts, the lot of us." Tessa laughs with me. "Take a few moments—really, as long as you need, Sophia. The suitors will understand. We'll also have to let them know what happened."

"I'll take care of it. I still have the rest of the day to spend with them anyway."

Bre reaches over to squeeze my hand. "You don't have to. This is our responsibility, not yours."

I shake my head. "No, it's my responsibility too. They're here for me—to be a part of my pack. Plus, I want to do this for Paxton. I'm fine, I promise. But I definitely need to get back out there."

"You're sure?" Tessa doesn't look like she believes me which makes me smile.

"I'm a big girl, Tessa. If I'm not okay, you'll know it."

She makes a face. "You better be alright. Finnegan's probably going to be gone for the rest of the day."

"Well, I guess it's a good thing I'm going to be just fine then." I roll my eyes as I stand up, already moving to the door. "If you need me, I'll be by the pool until dinner."

I wave over my shoulder and push out onto the deck. Hopefully, I won't be in for any more surprises today.

Chapter Twenty-four


Well, my first week on Heated has been interesting, to say the least. Though, as one of the last few suitors to arrive, it seems I missed some of the drama. I'm glad to have missed the initial issue with Pack Duval. I know what happened and it was already resolved by the time I arrived. Then there was the whole thing with Paxton.

I'd talked to the dude a time or two, and he seemed nice enough—though he was definitely a little entitled and he's definitely not the most responsible person I've met, but it still sucks that he's having to deal with something like addiction. I've had some friends who have battled with addiction, and it's no joke. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

But it's been four days since Paxton was packed up and sent off to rehab. When Sophia had rejoined us, she'd informed us of what happened. She hadn't wanted it to ruin the day, but it was obvious that she was worried about Paxton. Not that any of us held that against her. After dinner, most of us had followed Sophia up to the theater and watched some old Pixar/Disney movie named Up.

I'd never seen it before, but even I have to admit it was a good movie. Though, it's very obvious how different things were before the Event.

So far, we've all just been hanging out as a huge group, getting to know one another and Sophia. I keep waiting for her to ask some of us on dates, but so far there haven't been any additional roses handed out. With just three days until the next rose ceremony, I can't help but wonder if she's going to invite any of us on dates.

I don't want to rush the pretty omega, and it's been fun getting to know the other suitors, but even if some of them are hot... I'm here for her, not them. I want the chance at a one-on-one date with her, and I don't know how to make that happen.

So it would seem that I need to up my game starting right now.

We've just finished eating breakfast, and everyone is splitting off, agreeing to meet by the pool within the hour. Most of our time has been spent in or around the pool. It seems Sophia is determined to enjoy her time off from work while she's getting to know us.

Our days are spent by the pool and then our nights in the theater or the game room. It's been fun, and I appreciate that Sophia has been making an effort to spend time with all of us, but without one-on-one time can she really get to know us at all?

I smile as I watch her and Chase whispering to one another, their heads bent close. Watching the two of them together sends a longing through me. I want to be a part of what they have.

It had been a surprise when the announcement had been made the night of the rose ceremony. I've talked to a few of my fellow suitors and not a single one of them seems bothered by it, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised as I'm not either. He's almost as hot as she is and the two of them together?

Pack Lewitt are some lucky guys. Sure, Sophia keeps assuring us that she hasn't chosen them, and that we all have the same chance of being chosen as they do, but I'm not blind. None of us are. Yes, Chase is who she's most drawn to, but she wants all of them. Carson and Asher seem to be good guys. I'm assuming Liam is as well, but I haven't really spoken to him yet.

He's kind of a quiet guy, but then again, not completely. He and Jace seem to be good friends now, plus Brody. But most of the others haven't taken the chance to approach him. It's gotta be the resting murder face he wears at all times. I don't know if that's actually a thing or not, but it certainly looks like he wants to murder me whenever I even think about approaching.

Sophia glances up, catching me watching the two of them. Instead of calling me a creeper like she should, she shoots me a smile and waves me over. "Hey, Dylan!"

"Hello, omegas." I dip my head as I come to a stop before them.

"You looked like you wanted to come say hello," Chase offers, revealing that they knew I was watching them probably the whole time. I should be embarrassed, but I'm not. After all, I came here to win over an omega. All of us watch her—watch them—and I'm sure they're aware of it.