Page 47 of Knot Their Reality

"That's alright man," Dylan says with a smile. "This is a new situation for all of us, and I can imagine this is a lot for you. Thanks for telling us."

"At least we won't be the only ones who sound like assholes," Gage murmurs to Ulf, sending me into peels of laughter.

Everyone is looking at me like I'm crazy, except Ulf and Gage, who are glaring at me. I hold up my hands in surrender. "Sorry. I overheard something I wasn't meant to, and it was hilarious. Again. no worries Ezra. This is a situation that sets us up for awkward moments."

Running a hand down my face, I force myself to take a deep breath and calm the fuck down. I don't want them to think I'm laughing at Ezra or anything. I'm definitely not that kind of asshole.

"Sorry, again. Ezra, just so we're clear—I wasn't laughing at you."

"No, asshole, you were laughing at me." Gage looks unimpressed which has me blowing him a kiss.

"You know you love me, Gage."

He just shakes his head. "Definitely not."

"Soooo, anyway. I like men and women," I say to get the conversation on its way.

Dylan raises his hand. "Same."

The beta from season one—Brody, maybe—sighs. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to. Man, we need to handle this better tomorrow."

"Ulf and I aren't involved. I've never been with a man, but I'm not opposed?" Gage sounds unsure as he turns to Ulf.

"No men."

I snort at Ulf's short response. He really does have a habit of coming off as brusk, but I don’t think that’s his intention. He’s a pretty cool guy, but I can already see some of the others bristle at his tone.

Ulf’s eyes scan around the room before he shakes his head. “I don’t have a problem with anyone who does. Gage and I are a pack, regardless of not being bonded. If I had a problem with him liking men, then we wouldn't be a pack."

I watch a few of the suitors relax, but there are still a few that eye him as if they're unsure they believe his words. I kind of want to speak up for him, but is it my place to do so? Technically, we're nothing to one another, but I don't like seeing the wary look in others' eyes as they watch him.

"Something you'll all learn about Ulf is that he's a little..." I trail off, searching for the right word. "Well, he can come across a little harsh... tactless? But he's a good guy. At least based on the last twenty-four hours."

When I turn to look at Ulf and Gage, I find a smile on both their faces. "Thank you, Foster. He's right though. Between my time in the Alpha Guard and then running a roofing crew, I lack the patience for pretty words. I tell it how I see it, and that doesn't always go over well with others. I won't apologize for it, but it's best that you know now."

There are a few who look like they want to respond to him, but no one does. I shake my head as I rise. "I need a fucking drink. Who else is in?"

That seems to break up the tension as the group drifts apart. Ulf's hand claps down on my shoulder as we approach the bar. "You're a good guy, Foster. Most people would've just let it go and half of the guys would've ended up not liking me."

"You're not a bad guy—just a little short with others," I say with a shrug. "I've spent quite a bit of time with you in the last day and I just tell it like it is. There's no reason to make them not like you... Unless you don't want them to like you?"

He shrugs. "I couldn't care one way or the other. People will think what they want of me. The only opinion that matters is Sophia's."

I make a face. "But is it really? She's not here to pick a single mate—she's here for a pack. Do you think she'll choose someone that doesn't get along with the others she's looking to choose? What you choose to do is up to you, but I'd at least keep that in mind."

"He's right, Ulf," Gage adds on. "Neither of us is great with people. We're going to need to make an effort with the other suitors. Or we're going to end up getting kicked off the show."

"You could be onto something." Ulf nods slowly. "I'm not making any promises, Gage, but I'll try my best."

Now it's my turn to clamp my hand on Ulf's shoulder. "That's all anyone can ask of you. Now, what's your poison?"

Later, I find myself drawn to the windows along the front of the game room. It's already growing dark and I know the last of the suitors will be arriving soon. Am I trying to catch a glimpse of Sophia? Absolutely, but I'm also curious about the last suitors.

There are already sixteen of us, and we're all so different. What will this last group of suitors bring to the group? Besides the initial reaction to Ulf's bruskness, there hasn't been any ruffled feathers amongst us. Will the last four bring the drama that I'm sure Bree and Tessa are hoping for?

That's not fair. I know the two of them aren't purposefully trying to cause drama. They seem genuine in their desire for Sophia to find her mates, but they're not the only ones who have a say so in this show. I guarantee that they're getting pressured to deliver more drama than on the first season of Heated. The only conflict thus far has been Sophia with Pack Duval.

There's been nothing between the suitors, but will that change after tomorrow's rose ceremony? Will we begin to see one another as competition instead of brothers in arms? I hate to think badly of any of the men I've met—whose names I can't remember. We should wear name tags or something. I don't know how Sophia does it. Though, I guess she only meets us four at a time. Who knows, by the time the rose ceremony rolls around, maybe she'll have forgotten some of the names.