And then I take off running to my suite. I was supposed to have fifteen minutes to get changed before I headed back to the basement for the session. Why didn't I just bring clothes with me?
"I have some clothes for you," Bree calls after me.
I stop and turn around to face her. "Has anyone told you that you're the most amazing omega in the world?"
"Well, I do have a pack of six men who very much enjoy worshiping me. That's the same thing, right?"
"Absolutely," I say with a laugh. "You said something about clothes?"
She nods toward the bathroom. "Yeah, they're in there. I didn't especially want to go through your clothes, so I just grabbed the first thing I found as soon as I realized you hadn't made it to your session."
“I’m sure it’s all perfect.” I duck into the bathroom and change into the clothes she left for me—a set of leggings and tank top plus panties and a bra. A perfectly acceptable outfit, to be sure.
I call out my thanks once more as I dash past Bree and to the office at the bottom of the stairs. I knock quietly, cursing myself out for letting time get away from me.
"Come in!"
"I'm so sorry I'm late," I'm already blurting out when I push the door open, making sure to shut it behind me before turning to face the psychiatrist.
"It's alright, wee one. I know what it's like here—especially when you're just getting to know everyone."
My eyes go wide at the Scottish brogue, my jaw flapping open and closed a few times. "Holy shit. You're Finnegan Abernathy."
"Yes, I am."
"But... how... I thought only mated alphas and betas could work for the show—except Tessa, I guess." My mind is blown. I can't believe that Finn from the first season is sitting in front of me.
He chuckles, gesturing for me to sit across from him. “After I left the show, I found my pack so I’m mated; don’t worry.”
"Oh, that's amazing then! Congrats!" I need to shut my damn mouth. Yikes. I sound like a damn fangirl.
“Thank ye, lass. I’m very happy with how my life has worked out for me. I’m also thankful that Bree listened to me and brought on a psychiatrist—though I didn’t expect it to be me. I think you and the future omegas, as well as the suitors, will benefit from having someone to talk to. Also, please call me Finn or Finnegan, but nothing to do with doctor. Now,” he continues, “we weren’t meant to meet until just before Saturday’s rose ceremony. So why don’t you tell me what’s going on?”
I’ve already taken to calling him Finn, and I think not referring to him as doctor will be helpful. But at his question, I snort. "What's going on? I'm an omega surrounded by hot alpha and beta men. It should be everyone's greatest dream, and yet, I'm struggling. I was honestly doing pretty well until tonight. Though, I guess that's not exactly true. I think it started last night when I met my four celebrity suitors."
“And that made you nervous?” Finn asks, and I nod.
“Of course it does. I mean, they’re celebrities, and I’m a nobody. What could they ever see in me?" I shake my head. "Please don't think I'm lacking in self-confidence because I most certainly am not, but they feel so far out of my league. I thought I had this in the bag as I strutted outside to meet the suitors, but as I met them one by one... I was losing my shit a little bit more each time."
Finn sighs. "Well, I can guarantee that they aren't out of your league, and honestly, you should never feel that anyone is outside of your league. You're obviously an attractive woman—and no, that's not me hitting on you. You're a successful lawyer, and you're an omega. While I don't believe people are in leagues, if anyone is out of someone else's league, it's you who is out of their league."
I wrinkle my nose. I get what he's saying, but I don't think I agree. This is probably something we'll just have to agree to disagree on.
"Plus, wasn't Brody one of the suitors that you met last night? He's not a celebrity—well, not truly. If it wasn't for Heated, then no one would know who he is."
"But he was on the show, and now he's a celebrity of sorts. You can't tell me you don't get recognized for your time on the show." I snort. "Hell, I was fangirling when I walked in here."
Finn chuckles. "Okay, I can see your point, and being on the show now is unlikely to make my name less known, but I'm okay with that. But I also know Brody and I highly doubt he's changed that much in a year. He's a very down-to-earth guy."
"He is," I agree. "But it still feels like a lot. I haven't been able to follow on social media like some of the rabid fans since I'm much too busy with work, but even I know people offer to marry or mate him numerous times a day. Then there's Quinn, who's a megastar. Paxton might not be the lead singer, but I don't doubt that he has a huge following. After all, he's the only single member in his band. Malik, well... I don't know how much of a celebrity he really is, but I know who he is, which is saying something."
“How about this? Instead of thinking about them as celebrities, since that seems to be overwhelming you, why don’t you tell me about the men you’ve gotten to know? Tell me what they’re really like, and not how they’re portrayed in the media or reality television shows.”
I fidget with the hem of my shirt, eyes falling to my lap. I'm not sure how to not think of them as celebrities, but I can tell him what I've come to know of the four men.
"You're not wrong about Brody. He's one of the friendliest people I've ever met. He immediately made me feel at ease—after I freaked out about him being on my season. I don't know how much of that is the fact that he's a beta versus how much comes just from his personality, but I can tell you I've never felt so immediately at ease and calm in a stranger's presence before. He seems to get along with everyone and almost always has a smile on his face. It makes me smile—he makes me smile. And I haven't had enough of that in my life."
Finn just hums. "And Quinn?"