Page 41 of Knot Their Reality

Reginald is gesturing to me, and as much as I'd love to ignore him, I'm suddenly famished.

"I can't wait to learn more about you, Foster."

"Foster, if you'll join the other three suitors, Sophia will be with you in just a moment." Reginald grins, waiting until Foster has started away from us before turning his attention on me. "It looks like today might not have been as easy as the last three. How are you feeling?"

"Better now. Ulf and Gage really helped, and Foster pushed me that last little bit. I'm going to be fine. Sometimes things just get a little overwhelming, ya know?"

He nods. "I do. Before you join your four suitors and head in for dinner, there are only four left to meet, and then you'll have a full house of men vying for your attention. Are you excited?"

"Excited?" I snort. "Yes, and no. I'll be glad once everyone has arrived and I can see how they all interact with one another. But also, twenty different men each wanting a piece of my time and attention? That's going to be a lot."

"It will be, but I have no doubt that you'll handle it with ease—just like everything else. Enjoy your evening and your date tomorrow. I'll see you tomorrow evening."

I lift my hand in a wave as I head toward the four men awaiting me. Goodness, so much yumminess all in one place. What's an omega to do?

Chapter Thirteen


Dinner is much the same, all of us trying to get to know one another while devouring the chicken wings and gourmet mac 'n cheese the chefs had made for us. I really am going to have to steal one of them away so I can eat like this when I get back home. I'm never going to be able to go back to eating frozen dinners and cheap takeout. Not even two weeks and I'm spoiled.

After dinner, I'd asked Bree if there was a reason I didn't know where the guys were staying. Turns out, I was right. All suitors have been instructed not to give me their room extensions or even what room they're staying in until after the first rose ceremony.

Not really fair when Bree had all of their extensions from day one on season one since she's the boss. But it's also a temptation I wouldn't be able to ignore, so I understand her reasoning.

After spending last night in the pool on the back deck, I decided I wanted to check out the sauna, the pool, and the hot tub in the basement tonight. Ulf, Gage, Dylan, and Foster had all agreed.

It's not like both locations don't have practically the same things, but sometimes you just need a change of scenery. I've been in the basement, but I haven't used anything down there yet except the gym.

Though, it’s been a few days since I hit the gym. I need to get myself back on track there. Even just thirty minutes is better than nothing. I think I’ll wait until after Saturday to start trying to set up a new routine—especially since I know how much of a workout tomorrow’s group date will be. Once I’ve met everyone and sent home anyone that I know off the bat isn’t suitable, I can start to find my feet.

I'm wearing a gauzy cover-up over my high-waisted hunter green bikini—not that it really covers anything up. It actually teases more than covers, but that's why I'd worn it. It makes me feel sexy, and I need that right now. I can't even spend much time with them as I need to go meet with the psychiatrist. But as much as I need to speak with him, I need to relax and spend some time with today's suitors.

Starting down the stairs, I wonder if they're already at the pool. Not that it matters all that much—I just can't seem to turn my head off at this point. Maybe I should've gone to see the psychiatrist before coming to hang out with the suitors. Too late now, I guess. Plus, I'd had my reasons.

Who knows how long my session will be tonight? Or what state I'll be in. It's not fair to punish the suitors because of my mental issues—though I get the feeling they would disagree. Which is why I hadn't mentioned anything to any of them before asking Bree to set the session up for an hour and a half after dinner.

As I turn the corner, I hear the whoops and hollers of the suitors, a smile lighting up my face. This is why I hadn't wanted to cancel. Yes, I want to get to know them, but it's more than that. I want to experience the joy of getting to know others, of discovering new things about these men who in just eight weeks I might be calling my own.

“Sounds like you guys are having a blast,” I call out, getting the attention of all four men. Their eyes roam over my body, and I can feel myself preening under their gazes. This is also a nice ego booster—not that I need one. I know I’m pretty and that I have a nice body—because I have to work to keep it just the way I want.

"I think we're going to have a lot more fun now that you're here," Dylan calls out with a smile. All four of them are already in the pool so I dump my towel onto a chair before pulling the cover-up over my head.

When I turn back, the four of them have fallen silent, and the desire is clear in their eyes. An ego-boost indeed.

I head for the stairs and lower myself slowly, enjoying the warm water. I don't know what temperature they keep it at, but it's perfect. Warm and relaxing without being so hot it would burn.

I swim over to the four of them, and we easily fall into conversation. It's the only thing I think could have kept my mind off the upcoming session. In fact, they do such a good job that I completely forget about it until Bree appears beside the pool.

"What's up Bree?"

Her eyes move from man to man before landing on me again. "You're about fifteen minutes late for your session."

"Shit!" My eyes widen as I swim over to the edge, lifting myself up and hurrying over to grab my towel. When I turn back, I find five sets of eyes on me.

Ulf licks his lips. "That was impressive, omega. Not just anyone can lift themselves from the pool with little to no resistance."

Heat flashes through me, and I know the scent of my arousal will hit them at any moment. I flash them a smile. “Sorry, guys, I lost track of time. I have a session that I’m late for! I’ll see you at breakfast! Enjoy your night.”