Before I can ask him what he's thanking me for, he's moving toward Brody. Brody is grinning as he greets Quinn and they fall into what seems to be an easy conversation. I can't believe I just freaked out over meeting both of them. This is insane. I really hope I don't look like an idiot with the way I responded to them.
I face forward once more when I hear Reginald clear his throat. I wrinkle my nose at him, but I'm already smiling. Today has been totally unexpected but in such a good way. I just hope it continues on as such.
And now I've gone and jinxed it. I know better than to do that. Oh, well. Too late now.
Then comes the sound of the next limo pulling into the driveway moments before it appears. I've met two famous people I love already today. I wonder if that'll be a trend that continues on with the two remaining suitors.
Color me surprised when I recognize the face of the man who climbs from the limo, though I can't even begin to guess where I know him from. He's extremely attractive with deep brown skin, black curly hair that spills onto his forehead, and the palest blue eyes I've ever seen.
When he comes to a stop before me, I have to look up as he's inches taller than me—probably around six feet tall. I'm terrible at this guessing game. Maybe I should start asking them about their heights?
I giggle, and he gives me a curious look, brows furrowed but a half smile on his face.
"I'm sorry. I was just realizing that I'm terrible at guessing heights, and I was wondering if I should start asking everyone how tall they were. It's entirely silly, but it was funny to me."
He nods slowly. "I can see why that would be amusing. I'm Malik Bakir. And you are Sophia. You also do not have to ask how tall I am. I am five feet and eleven inches tall. Now you will not have to guess any longer."
"You look familiar, and the name seems familiar, but I can't figure out why." I bite my bottom lip as I study him.
"Ahhh, yes." He nods, and I realize there's a bit of an accent that I don't recognize in his words. "I am on another reality show called All Kinds of Heroes."
"Yes! That's it!" I grin as it hits me. "You're one of the veterinarians on the show. I don't get much time to watch television, but I often have it on in the background when I'm working at home. At least you already know how reality shows work. That should make it an easy transition for you."
He laughs. "One would hope. I know that our time here is short. Should I tell you a bit about myself?"
I hate how long it's taking for me to be able to scent them, but I finally get a hint of his citrus and lavender scent. It's an odd combination, somehow both relaxing and invigorating all at once. He's an alpha, but it's not a scent I would've expected from one. "Yes, please. I do wish they would give me the same information about each of you that you get about me."
"That is true. It would be fairer to you, I suppose." He chuckles. "But I am sure they do not wish to make it too easy on you. As you know, I am a veterinarian and reality TV star. My parents' pack immigrated from Turkey when I was just a child. I do not recall my time in Turkey, as my first memories are from here in America. I'm thirty-seven and an alpha. I have one younger brother who was a surprise to my parents. He's twenty years younger than me."
I laugh. "I'm sure that was quite a surprise."
He grins. "It was indeed, but he is a good kid. In a few months, he'll find out what his designation is, and then he will decide what he wants to do with the rest of his life."
"Did he not want to make that decision before he finds out his designation?" It's not all that abnormal, but usually people have some idea of what they wish to be by the time they turn eighteen.
"My mother was the first beta in a line of omegas. According to the geneticists, there is a good chance he might become an omega, and then he might not be able to have as many choices as a beta or alpha would have."
I shake my head. "That's not entirely true. After all, I'm an omega and I'm a lawyer. Season one's omega, Bree, is the CEO of her own company. Being an omega doesn't have to limit your choices."
He chuckles again. "I like seeing that fire in you, and before you get upset with me, I agree. My mother, on the other hand, is very old-fashioned. We have been working with her to try to get her to realize that things don't have to be the way they were when her mother or grandmother were children. If he reveals as an omega, I will make sure he is able to do anything he wishes." He shrugs. "But that's also up to him, and he said he wanted to wait before making his decision. And it is his decision, no matter any of our opinions on the matter."
"Yes, it is his choice. I'm glad that he seems to have someone who understands that in his corner." I laugh. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get so worked up, but I hate it when I hear other omegas say they can't do something because of their designation."
"And that is completely understandable." His smile is soft. He opens his mouth as if to say more but snaps it shut as he glances over my shoulder. "It would seem that our time is up for now. It was very nice speaking with you, and I hope that we will be able to continue this conversation at a later time."
I hold out my hand to shake his hand. "I would very much like that, Malik."
Then he's gone, and I'm left staring at a smirking Reginald. My brow furrows as I glare at him. I don't know why he's looking so smug, but I don't like it.
Before I can say anything, the last limo is pulling to a stop in front of me. How did I miss it turning into the driveway? This must be why Reginald was smirking at me. He knew I'd have no prep time since, apparently, I'd gone over my allotted time with Malik.
I only have a moment before the door opens and the last suitor of the day is revealed. He looks completely at home in his tux, though his dirty blond hair is tousled as if he's been running his hands through it. I see the hint of a tattoo sticking out from his neckline as he reaches up to mess with the collar. He's foregone the bowtie that would usually accompany it, but it's honestly a damn good look on him.
He runs a hand across the scruff on his face before sweeping his hands through his hair, confirming my earlier assumption. A smirk paints his face as he steps toward me, and it makes me realize I've seen him somewhere before. Is he also a celebrity?
"Hello, love," he says as he stops in front of me. "As I'm sure you're aware, I'm Paxton Wynter."
I frown, trying to place the name but coming up blank. "As with Malik, your face and name seem familiar. I just can't seem to place where I know you from."