Page 29 of Knot Their Reality

Now, I just have to wait until Saturday so I can see her again. And if she thinks I was joking about writing letters, she's sadly mistaken.

Chapter Nine


Another day down and four more suitors to meet. I can't help but wonder if this isn't drawing things out too much by spending five separate days getting to know only four suitors at a time. On the one hand, I'm not feeling at all stressed—my nerves have finally died down, and I feel like meeting new suitors isn't such a big deal.

But on the other hand, I really want to meet the remaining suitors.

Yes, by the end of tonight I will have met more than half of them, but it's starting to get a little old having the same conversations over and over. I can only imagine how dull this must be for the viewers, though Bree told me not to worry—the footage will be deeply edited. She assured me it wouldn't be boring for the viewers. I can't wait to see what viewers will think of the new format for the show.

In the first season, the show didn't air until the fifth week they were here in Rancho Mirage, so it was airing a month behind. Our season will only be airing two weeks behind, and for the first week, Heated will be on nightly for shorter thirty-minute episodes to meet the suitors and, of course, me. I kind of wish I could be watching as a viewer to see how the new format works, but instead, I'm the star attraction.

"So Sophia, how did today's date go?"

I sigh. "It was phenomenal. Brooks is… well, amazing. He’s everything I could possibly want in an alpha—almost like he was handmade for me. I know how that sounds, but I can’t help how I feel." I shake my head with a laugh. "We had this connection from the first moment we met, and I feel it every time we're together. I kind of love it."

"Instalove is a huge trope for a reason."

"I'm not in love with him, Reginald." I roll my eyes. "Instalove is only a thing in fiction. It doesn't happen in real life."

Reginald scoffs. "We'll have to agree to disagree on that one, Sophia, because I can tell you right now that with me and my omega? It was instalove."

"More like instalust, I'm sure—which is all that I'm feeling right now."

He just shakes his head, smirking. My eyes narrow and I suddenly feel the need to wipe that smirk off his face.

Luckily, the sound of the first limo arriving pulls my attention off the host. Lucky for him of course. I giggle to myself at the thought of how I could wipe away the smirk. It almost makes me sad that the first suitor has arrived.

That sadness falls away abruptly when the door to the limo opens, and a familiar face smiles at me as they walk over. "Oh, my gods. Seriously? Brody Sullivan is on my season of Heated?" I feel so much like a fangirl right now.

Brody laughs. "I take it you watched last season?"

"Yes, and while I know Bree made the right decisions for herself, I can't believe you didn't make the cut. You were amazing the entire time you were on the show, and you were the first one to kiss her! It just blows my mind how it just didn't work between you." It's only then that I take a deep enough breath through my nose to scent him. I want to close my eyes to sink into the river slate, cool waters, moss, and the amber of his scent. Somehow, I want to ride him like a stallion and cuddle with him all at the same time. It's an odd sensation, to say the least.

"It was actually me who pointed out that there didn't seem to be much more than friendship between us. In fact, she's the one that started referring to me as her annoying little brother." Brody laughs, his dimples flashing and making me swoon—on the inside only because of course I'm not going to swoon in real life. "She keeps going on about how she has to help her little brother find a mate. Which is why I'm here, by the way. Apparently, she thinks we'd get along well, and she wouldn't give up until I agreed to come on the show again."

I tilt my head back to look up at the stars. "Of course, you were coerced to come on the show. I could never get so lucky."

He laughs again but moves closer so he can grab my hand. He gives it a squeeze and waits until I'm focusing on him once more.

"I wasn't coerced. I promise. I want to be here. I'm glad that she talked me into giving Heated another chance." He squeezes my hand once more before stepping back half a step. "But let's do this properly. Hello, Sophia. I'm Brody Sullivan. I'm twenty-three and a beta. I work as a paramedic and love it. I'm also a season one reject."

How had I forgotten how young he is? Eleven years younger than me. Even he hadn't been that much younger than me.




Don't go there, Sophia. Stay in the now. You've spent enough time thinking about them.

"I definitely wouldn't say you were a reject. You just weren't meant for Bree." I hesitate to continue but decide fuck it. It's time to be as brave as I pretend to be. "Maybe you were always meant to be mine."

Brody doesn't look even remotely put out by that, as his smile only grows. "I think you just might be right. Looks like our time is over."

He actually looks sad as he leans over to kiss my cheek. "But I can't wait to hear all about you Sophia and what makes you tick. I think this could be the start of something beautiful."