Liam and Jace both move, leaving a seat on either side of Brody for us to sit. Chase ends up between Liam and Brody, while I take the seat beside Jace.
Because the three of them had been watching the others when we arrived, I figure it's as good of a time as any to see who has ended up together. Asher, Ulf, Jackson, and Paxton are inside the pool, talking more than playing the game of volleyball it looks like they started.
Carson and Gage are chatting on loungers beside the pool, trying to pull Ezra into their conversation, but they don't seem to be succeeding. Dylan and Quinn are in the deep end of the pool, holding onto the side as they talk. The last group consists of Alejandro, Brooks, Malik, and Foster. They're hanging out in the hot tub with drinks in hand as they talk adamantly.
"It doesn't look like anyone is going to fight," I finally say, frowning as I glance at Jace and then Liam. "So what are you seeing that I'm not?"
Jace leans close, pointing to the hot tub. "Brooks and Foster are getting along well. They're trying to include the others but notice how Malik is barely talking and how Alejandro keeps glancing in his direction. There's something brewing there, but we don't know what yet."
"And check out Asher's group." Liam leans forward, nodding his head to the pool. "Asher and Ulf are getting along great, but the other two? They don't like Ulf. The side eyes are getting worse."
"I still think it's just everyone getting to know one another," Brody adds. "There are always going to be people that rub people the wrong way. That doesn't mean anyone is going to fight."
"This is fascinating. I never would've noticed it if you hadn't pointed it out," Chase says, eyes bouncing from group to group. "The others seem fine though."
Jace hums. "Yeah, Dylan and Quinn seem to be fast friends. And I appreciate that Carson and Gage are trying to include Ezra. Group settings are going to continue to be hard for him. At the bare minimum, I think this experience will be good for him because of that."
I sigh at that. "He really is a nice guy—he's just wired a little differently than the rest of us. I just don't know what else to do to help him."
"I don't think there's anything else you can do, Sophia." Brody squeezes my hand. "You've done what you can, and the rest is up to him. He has to sink or swim on his own."
"I don't like it." I cross my arms, pouting.
Jace chuckles. "That's because you're a fixer. You want to fix everything and everyone around you, but that's just not possible. This is Ezra's chance to figure out what he can and can't deal with. He knows that. We've talked about it a few times, and he wants to try. I know why he wanted to speak with you today as we discussed it this morning. He's trying his best and trying to push himself out of his comfort zone."
"I know you're right, but I still don't like it."
"Seriously, asshole?"
My head jerks around at the raised voice. I'm surprised to find Paxton in Jackson's face. Ulf and Asher are already moving toward them as I jump to my feet. An arm around my waist keeps me from rushing over to them.
"Let them work this out on their own," Brody murmurs against my ear. "While I'm sad to have lost the bet, Jace is right. You can't fix everything. We're all adults here, and if they can't work it out like adults, then that's something you need to know."
Knowing he's right, I let myself lean back into him. I let his scent sink into me, calming me. There's nothing in particular within his scent that should be relaxing, but there's something in the combination that does it.
His arms tighten around me, and I find myself distracted from the disagreement before me. Brody's muscles bunch beneath me, and I can't help but snuggle into him as heat rushes through me. I know my scent will betray my arousal and it won't be long until the four men surrounding me will pick up on that.
There's nothing I can do to hide it, and I'm not sure that I want to. Now that the introductions and first group dates are over, we're no longer required to use the scent dampeners and scent cancelers. As long as we're on the grounds, I don't plan to use them or the special panties that Bree stocked for me. This is just the way of life as an omega. If any of these men are to be a part of my pack, they might as well get used to smelling my emotions.
"Omega," Jace growls. "Are you getting turned on by the arguing or by the beta holding you? Just so I know for future reference."
Brody buries his head in my neck, his nose running up and down my neck as his cock hardens against my back. A shiver runs down my spine as I grind back against him, my arousal spiking.
Chase chuckles. "I think that answers the question."
"Damn it." I force myself to step away from Brody, shaking my head to clear the arousal haze wrapping itself around me. "No one touch me right now."
I take a deep breath, ignoring the arousal seeping from the four men now at my back. Lifting my eyes, I focus back on the pool, having missed everything that's happened. Brody might be right about me interfering, but that doesn't mean I don't need to know what's happening.
Asher is standing beside Jackson, a frown on his face while Ulf is holding Paxton back as he tries to launch himself at the other man. For his part, Jackson is frowning, but his confusion is palpable from here. Both Asher and Jackson are speaking quietly while Paxton sounds pissed. I can't make out any of his words, but it's obvious that he's upset.
Nothing seems to be resolved, and Paxton still hasn't settled down. I might not be able to fix this for them—nor do I really want to—but I can put an end to it. Ignoring Brody calling after me, I stalk over to the pool and stop with my hands on my hips.
"What the fuck is going on?"
Paxton freezes, eyes lifting to me before he glances away. It's like all of his fight has disappeared, but he doesn't answer my question. I roll my eyes, cracking my neck as I remind myself to be patient. We're not in a courtroom right now.
"I need someone to start talking. Please."