"He's... interesting." Chase sounds thoughtful as he muses. "I'm glad that you let me know about his autism. I can see how things are different for him. We'll have to adapt how we deal with things when it comes to him."
"We will, and I appreciate that you realize that." I stand, pulling him up with me. "Now, shall we get you introduced to some of the others?"
“I’d like that. And at some point today, I'd like it if you'd sit down with my pack. There are some things we all need to talk over."
I've been waiting for him to bring it up. I guess I could've done it myself, but I'm glad I didn't have to. "Of course. We'll make time before dinner, yeah?"
He kisses me. "This is why you're perfect."
I snort. "Not at all, but thanks."
I head for the door, but he grabs my hand again and pulls me to a stop.
"You might not be perfect, but you're perfect for me."
His words make it easy for me to melt into him. I get the feeling that this whole process is going to be a lot less stressful with him by my side.
Chapter Twenty-three
After mine and Chase's heart-to-heart with Ezra, we started mingling with the other suitors. I'm happy to see that they've taken my words to heart, having broken off into different groups than they'd been in previously.
Our first stop is Liam, Brody, and Jace—an interesting grouping if there ever was. They're sitting at the bar, a whiskey in Liam's and Jace's hands while Brody is sipping on water. They sit silently, eyes roaming over the other suitors.
"I think the three of you have missed the point of this exercise," I say with a laugh.
"Not at all." Jace smirks. "We've been getting to know one another over a drink, but we're also interested to see how the others group up.
"Hmmmm," I hum, narrowing my eyes on them. "Then I want to know what you've learned about one another."
Liam raises his eyebrows. "Jace has great taste in whiskey."
"That wouldn't require you to speak at all, asshole." I ignore Chase’s snickers beside me. "Want to try again?"
The smirk never leaves Liam's face. "Jace can talk about motorcycles all day and not run out of things to say. We've already exchanged numbers as I've seen his customs and they're amazing. I've been wanting to get one myself, and now that I've met him, I plan to once the show's over. Meanwhile, Brody is a puppy dog—"
"I really wish the two of you would stop calling me a puppy," Brody says with a laugh. "I'm not a damn puppy."
"You absolutely are a puppy, but I think that'll work to your advantage with Sophia," Liam says, cocking his head at me. "As I was saying, he's an EMT and apparently enjoys seeing the best in everything and everyone. Which is why we're watching the others. We have a bet going."
"On what?" Chase asks, frowning now. "And watch out, you'll be in trouble with Asher if you're betting on people's behaviors again and he finds out."
Liam's eyes narrow on my omega—no, our omega. "And how would he find out? Are you planning to tell him, omega?"
Brody shakes his head. "Liam and Jace seem to think there will be at least one fight that breaks out. By the way, I'm Brody."
Chase takes his offered hand and returns the smile. "I watched the first season. I definitely know who you are, and I promise to attempt to keep myself from flirting with you. But you're adorable, and the two of them are right, you're definitely a puppy. But don't worry, so is Carson, and Sophia liked him at some point. It should work in your favor."
Brody laughs. "I'll try to keep that in mind."
"I wish you would stop talking about me like I'm not standing right here." I raise my hands, wiggling my fingers in the air. "Chase, the clown on the right here is Jace. He seems to enjoy saying outrageous things. I can't figure out if he likes getting a rise out of people or he just doesn't have a filter. Jace, this is Chase."
Jace takes Chase's hand in his, lifting it to his lips instead of shaking it. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Chase. You and Sophia together are a thing of beauty. I will definitely flirt with you—and Brody. Hell, I'll probably flirt with everyone here. Because Sophia is right—I do enjoy getting a rise out of people, but I also just like people. And flirting."
"Of course you do." I can practically hear the eye roll in Liam's words. "But we can't all be perfect, can we?"
That sends all five of us into a fit of laughter. I'm sure we're drawing attention from the others, but I don't care. While this group might not seem like they'd work well together, it's obvious they get along well.